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I bought the ATH in 2011: A decade of HODLing

There have been a few other long-term HODLers sharing their stories recently and I've greatly enjoyed reading them and reminiscing about Bitcoin's past. Here's my story - I hope it's as entertaining as the others.
Every number between 0 cents and the current ATH has been, by definition, the all-time-high at one point. Don't let that prevent you from taking a risk in something you believe in. Extend your time horizon to a decade and lock your coins away.
I've been a libertarian since I was a teenager. The expanding role of the State is something that I've been worrying about for most of my life. While learning about the immorality of the existence of the State, at some point I learned about monetary policy and how inflation is robbing everyone on an unprecedented scale. I tucked this knowledge away and was determined to figure out a way around it when I started making my own money. (This paragraph is the only one involving political philosophy, go ahead and continue reading)
I first heard of Bitcoin in 2010 on one of the many forums I frequented in my libertarian internet circle. It was an interesting concept to me, but I didn't pursue it at all. Again I tucked this knowledge away for future use.
I heard of it again several months later (2010). This time I decided to try it out. I remember downloading and syncing the reference wallet and using a BTC faucet to send coins to my wallet. I forget exactly how many it was... 5, maybe? That's as far as I went with it though. At some point I deleted the wallet and the downloaded blockchain - probably to make room for a Steam game or something. Those coins are gone.
That's right - Steam. I have been a gamer for most of my life as well. I owned a powerful graphics card at the time: The Radeon 5970.
The third time I heard about Bitcoin was in May 2011. I had heard that the price was lifting off and people were making a lot of money from it. This time I decided to dive in and see what I could figure out.
This was where I fell into the deep rabbit hole of Bitcoin. I remember getting so absorbed in it that I didn't sleep some nights. I was working my day job, going home and learning all that I could about Bitcoin. Learning about how addresses were generated, how wallets worked, how mining worked, how the difficulty adjustment worked, everything that I possibly could.
After a week or two of obsessing and reading about Bitcoin, I decided that this was the most important invention since the internet - the most perfect form of money ever created. One of the most ingenious systems ever designed by man - and NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT YET.
I can't recall if any other coins existed at the time, but between 2011-2012 I remember other coins like Namecoin, Peercoin, Feathercoin, and some others. I don't hear about any of those other coins these days... besides LTC and XRP, of course.
I decided that I wanted in. I needed to get some Bitcoin. I needed it NOW!! This would be like buying stock in the Internet itself but better - no counterparty risk, and I could be my own bank!
I wasn't making a lot of money at the time, so putting money towards anything discretionary wasn't going to be friendly to my budget. Yes, I owned a badass gaming rig, but that was my only luxury in life. I knew I was going to buy for the long term, so I decided to put aside $500 and go for it. I was going to buy Bitcoin.
At the time, Mt Gox was the only game in town that I can remember. I don't think BTC-e existed yet, or maybe I just hadn't heard of it.
I signed up for a Gox account and figured out how to fund it. There were a few ways to do this, one of which was another app called Dwolla. So I signed up for Dwolla and got verified. I then deposited my $500 and initiated the ACH transfer to Gox. BTC price at the time: $3.
I had initiated the transfer on a Tuesday evening after work. I was informed that the transfer would arrive at Gox on Friday.
I watched agonizingly as the price climbed hour after hour, day after day. $3.50. $4. $5. $6. I was missing the boat!!! By Thursday evening the price had doubled.
At work on Friday, I checked my email on my phone practically every five minutes. The transfer didn't go through the entire work day. I had plans with friends that evening - damn it, I was going to have to try and do this on my phone while hanging with my friends?!
I ended up making my first BTC purchase while sitting in a movie theater. I bought 50 Bitcoin for $10 each - during an all-time-high.
I still hodl every one of these coins today.
(The movie, for the curious: X-Men: First Class)
I couldn't stop there, though. The more I learned, the more I had to know. The more I had to DO. That's when I got into GPU mining.
This was a time before ASICs. I believe GPU mining was relatively new -- before this, miners were only using CPUs (which were in 2011 -- like GPUs in 2020 -- obsolete for SHA256 mining).
The next day I dove headfirst into Bitcoin mining. I downloaded the software and set up an account on Slush Pool. I ran my 5970 on full blast for a while and went out with some friends. When I got back, my bedroom was noticeably hotter than it was when I left. So that's what I was going to be dealing with? Ok, fine.
I also couldn't play any demanding video games while the miner was running. I'd have to dial the hashrate down, or disable it completely. Ok, I guess I can manage that.
After a few days of dealing with that, I decided to buy another 5970. If I got bored of Bitcoin, it would still make The Witcher 2 run better!
All told, between mining with Slush Pool and BTCGuild for a month, I managed to mine an additional 50BTC that month.
I still hodl every one of these coins today.
One day, my electric bill came. $350. For my 1BR apartment? That can't be right...
I called up the electric company and told them they double-billed me.
"Nope, that amount is accurate. That's what you owe for this month. Have a nice day!"
And that was the day I stopped Bitcoin mining.
I had been telling all my friends and gamer friends about Bitcoin the entire time. They laughed at me. I told them they wouldn't be laughing when I was a millionaire.
Soon after, Bitcoin crashed -- HARD. Dropping from $32 at its peak to $2 over the next few months -- one of the largest price drops in its history.
I was dejected. I stopped talking about it with my friends. The gamer communities I was a member of made fun of me relentlessly, trashing Bitcoin every day. News articles celebrating Bitcoin's death popped up everywhere. It was the first major public crash, and I felt all alone.
I uninstalled the Bitcoin price widget from my phone. I moved on with my life and tried to forget about Bitcoin. I left the wallet on my PC, but deleted my copy of the blockchain.
I barely thought about Bitcoin for the next two years. Any time someone brought it up at work or in my friend group, I changed the subject. I was completely demoralized and thought I had fallen for the biggest scam of all time.
After this unbearable TWO YEAR period... Bitcoin came back.
One day I opened Bitcoin and saw utter elation all over the front page. What the hell was going on?
Bitcoin had surpassed the last all-time-high and was climbing still. $50... $100. And it was still going!!!
I snapped out of my multi-year funk right then and there. Somehow my paper financial loss had clouded my judgment and made me forget about the fundamentals that made me interested in Bitcoin in the first place.
"Bitcoin was back?" It had never left. It was still the same decentralized, unforgeable, instantly transferrable miracle asset that I had fallen in love with.
I got back into mining again, but I didn't leave my GPUs running 24/7 like I had before. Eventually, ASICs started coming out and obsoleted GPU miners, so I had to start mining LTC instead and selling them for BTC. I mined on a site called give-me-ltc and did my trades on BTC-e.
Eventually I got tired of managing my miners, paying extra for electricity, and dealing with switching stuff around for gaming. I stopped mining again and moved on to other things.
I exited this phase with an additional 30BTC and over 400LTC. I still hodl every one of these coins today.
Eventually, BTC hit $1000. I watched this live on I remember this day vividly.
The graphic shown on bitcoinity for every price point was usually some sort of funny gif - someone dancing, someone acting crazy, someone making a funny face, Mr. Bean watching signposts fly past his car. This time, the gif was different - it was serious.
It was an astronaut on the moon. A flag was planted behind him bearing the Bitcoin logo.
Tears welled up in my eyes. This was significant. Bitcoin was being recognized for what it was - the most perfect form of money ever created.
My stack was now worth enough to pay off all of my six-figure student loan debt. I had thought that I would be paying this debt off for the rest of my life. Bitcoin meant potential financial freedom to me.
I didn't sell a single satoshi.
Of course, $1000 didn't last, and paying off all my loans with my stack was no longer a possibility. The price did not recover for almost FOUR years -- even longer than the previous crypto winter. During this time I bought a few more coins through Coinbase.
The 2017 run-up was a blur -- except for one day...
The day I became a crypto millionaire.
My family didn't grow up with a ton of money. I never had the latest clothes, toys -- well, anything. We weren't poor, but we scraped by. I didn't have a great education in personal finance.
Being a crypto millionaire went straight to my head.
Driving to work on that day, I remember thinking I was the most badass person on Earth. Somehow I had managed to manipulate some computer numbers around that were now worth over a million dollars!!
I couldn't help it - I told everyone at work. I was a crypto millionaire. I couldn't shut up about it. I told my family. I told my friends. I told everyone.
I went to the store to grab a few things. Walking the aisles, I couldn't stop thinking about it. "These people have no idea they're standing next to a MILLIONAIRE."
Of course, my crypto millionaire status didn't last long.
This time, though, I SODL a few coins at the peak. I bought a house and a car.
A month or two later, I was no longer a crypto millionaire.
Seeing the altcoin season was kind of crazy to me. For a few months, you literally could not pick a losing coin. Everyone was a winner. It was sheer insanity. I picked up a few ETH to get some exposure, even though I didn't (and still don't) believe in it long term.
I'm doing pretty well these days. I am numb to any price activity at this point. The last time I bought was the dip down to $4000 in March. I don't know how anyone could have resisted that one.
Other than what I SODL in 2017, I still hodl all of my coins.
You may be able to see a pattern here. There's always going to be another all-time-high. There's always going to be a crash or a correction. You're probably going to feel stupid more than a handful of times being a HODLer. But eventually these feelings go away.
I have a few more anecdotes and random thoughts to share, so I'll make them bullet points below:

- I held on to my BCH for a while. I will admit that I was TERRIFIED during the flippening. 6-12 months later, I sold them all for BTC.
- I immediately sold all my BSV for LTC.
- I hold BTC, LTC, and ETH. That's it.
- I don't believe in any of these centralized or "new and improved" shitcoins. I'm a BTC maximalist through-and-through. The only other coin I'd consider at this point would be Monero. I know almost nothing about it and I haven't done any research on it, so I don't hold any.

- I gave $5 of BTC to a friend in 2013. They forgot about it. I reminded them about it this year. They sold it for $175.
- I gave $30 of BTC to a friend in 2013. They sold it in 2017 for $750.
- I solo mined IxCoin (literal who?) for a few days because I wanted to feel what it was like to solo mine a block. I did not solo mine a block.
- My favorite Bitcoin meme is "This is gentlemen." Why don't people say that anymore?

- Wallets I used: Bitcoin core -> Armory Offline (airgapped with TAILS) -> Electrum Offline (airgapped with TAILS) -> trezor
- Armory was flaky as fuck. I moved on to Electrum after the 20th time Armory failed to sync the blockchain. I remember having to manually export the private keys using some Python script because I couldn't get the wallet synced.
- Reddit is too slow for BTC sometimes, so I would go to the BTC-e trollbox to get some realtime action. Now that BTC-e is gone, I typically hang out in /biz/ when Reddit is boring.

- Not buying more. Not mining more.
- Not selling BCH for BTC immediately. That one still stings.
- Focusing a little too much on paying down debt vs buying more BTC.
- Buying precious metals in 2013. What a waste.
- Selling in 2017. But, I wanted a house and a car. Regretting taking profit is stupid, but I can't help it.

- I never once tried to convince anyone to buy Bitcoin, despite how much I talked about it. I tried to convince people of the potential and that the Fed was evil, but I never once said, "You should buy Bitcoin" to anyone.
- I see another 10x for BTC. Just buy BTC. Don't buy anything else. Just buy BTC and fucking HODL.
- HODL through these crashes. They make you stronger. After a few of them, nothing will faze you. Be a fucking man and HODL on to your coins!!!!!
- People just don't understand the network effect of the BTC protocol. No one cares that another coin has better features. No one cares that there are better internet protocols. They use what has the most infrastructure and support. Don't fall for these shitcoins.
- People don't understand the layering concept. Increasing blocksize simply isn't the solution to scaling Bitcoin - second layer and beyond is the solution.
- Taxation is theft.

Hopefully this was at least mildly entertaining.
Happy New Year!!!!!

Edit 1: Lots of comments about "taxation is theft" - some genuine, some not. If you're open minded and want to learn more, check out these short videos:
Edit 2: My thoughts on Ethereum:
submitted by Graphene_Hands to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

Emuloader 1.0 released!, No more megathreads, dodgy sites, ads or captchas

Edit: Allow me to emphasise that Emuloader's ELDR system is a way to turn your existing rom libraries which are stored in the cloud, as well as publicly available romhacks, homebrew and abandonware into a format more easily manipulated. Think of it as a compatibility layer and stopover tool. As these features become possible natively the ELDR system will be deprecated. It is not to be used for piracy, and I highly discourage it, so much that piracy talk will land you an instant ban in the discord and emuloader subreddit. The download system is just a small part of a robust customisable emulator front end, manager, boxart finder, and sorting tool, please don't think that this is its primary usage, it isn't. I only posted on /roms first because of the large audience.
Emuloader is now available on GitHub!
It's done. No more megathread, no more looks through mega or clicking through adfly links or trying to find the right download button or sifting through malware infested websites. No more download limits, speed caps, broken roms, password protected zips and rars. No more manually updating your emulators every week and moving installs about hoping for nothing to break. No more weird download managers to get things off zippyshare or weird names with 12 different groups and urls in your rom name that you have to manually sift through. No more mixing up regions because you can't tell if (U) means universal or USA. No more looking for boxart sets and carefully cropping and naming each image or searching for missing images because your set was incomplete!
It's like /roms, /emulation, itunes, steam and google drive all mixed into one. 6 months on and I've (mostly) finished what I set out to do.
An all-in-one client that finds, downloads, and plays your backed up games, always with the newest versions of emulators. With some cloud sync magic thrown in! It's got a library manager like itunes, automatic updating, set-up, cloud backups and restores likes steam. And it's all open source.
It will have one click sharing of games saves or homebrew roms with your friends, automatic streaming of local multiplayer games. One-click to join the lobbies of your friends in different emulators through one unified interface.
The featurelist includes:
Here are screenshots (
Here's the reveal video I posted a few days ago (
I've also made a 30 second feature video (
You can find all the information, including the download links here! (
When I started, all I knew was I've seen on discords and even on this subreddit how annoying and frustrating it is when trying to grab your backups off the web and fiddling with which emulator to use and getting boxart and the whole experience and figured that there had to be a better way, kind of like steam where you open the client and its got all your games listed ready to download, with the emulators just as easy to set-up with one click to download and play, but it's become so much more.
Rom sources & .eldrs + Legal stuff:
Obviously I cannot have links to roms hardcoded in and for this I have designed a new way for backups to be shared easily (between yourself and yourself only as we all know sharing roms is piracy and I don't endorse it, but hauling upto hundreds of gigs of backups wherever you go is also stupid) called .eldrs.
.eldrs/sources are files which are basically lists of encoded games, their sizes and the downloads. You import these sources by simply dragging and dropping or importing directly from a link (such as a raw pastebin). and the client is instantly populated! It's built for use with your already existing cloud services, primarily dropbox which it has native support for.
I can't bundle eldrs with the client for obvious reasons but it will help you find some during first time setup, and there's the guide for you to make your own up on the subreddit.
Obvious disclaimer that you shouldn't use it to make your pirating life easier, only use the roms you've legally dumped yourself and don't go around posting .eldrs on the open web. More information on
Fortunately I've had some patrons totalling about $10 a month at peak to help me develop but honestly if I were to continue development and afford finishing off the featureset I do require your help! Please donate to my patreon to help me continue development (Found on the website) and to get extra perks. Also join the discord to be a part of the community and get updates and sources first!
False positives and Open source info:
Although I submitted the app to avast, bitdefender and a few others a few months ago, the codebase had changed significantly and might be detected as a false positive. I know avast reports is because it says the app is rarely used (which of course it is I'm only releasing it to the public now!)
Nevertheless, rest assured that the client code is visible on github, and the python modules were compiled using pyinstaller and so can also be easily decompiled and viewed.
Here is the docs article on false positives
Patreon and supporting development:
If you've liked the work I've done, and want to help me make it better, round out the features and start adding new ones I'd really appreciate throwing a few dollars my way on Patreon or ko-fi. I can't keep up regular work on this with 5$ a month (although I appreciate it very much!). You don't have to, but it'll help and comes with some extra perks!
Here's my patreon (
And my ko-fi (
Join the Discord server and follow me on twitter!
Join the discord community to receive updates first, report bugs and get troubleshooting help, submit feature requests and join in on game nights and LFG! You'll also be able to get exclusive .eldrs with romhacks and homebrew! Tools to build your own .eldrs are also available exclusively in the discord.
Join the Discord here (
Follow me on twitter to hear about dumb things and have to say about and not about emuloader and mostly just because I'd appreciate it very much! It'll also help you get early access.
Follow me here (
Early Access:
Via Patreon:
Via Discord & Twitter:
Useful Links: is my website where you can find emuloader and my other projects, as well as links to discord, patreon and other stuff. contains the wiki for Emuloader. is the project page and has the download link as well as github link. is the link to the discord server. is the link to my patreon. is the subreddit where updates are posted (usually after discord).
Final Notes:
Thanks for reading and trying out Emuloader! Just remember that I'm one developer, and there will absolutely be bugs and issues even in this full release. Just let me know in the discord or in the comments.
EDIT: As its Christmas I may not reply as much, but I am reading the comments! I’ll begin working on a patch after Christmas and it should release in a few days with a bunch of bugfixes and changes.
EDIT 2: No rest for the wicked, update 1.0.1 is out and your installations will automatically update on the next restart, includes bug fixes and QoL changes.
EDIT 3: 1.1.0 is out with fixes to corrupt emulators, support for DuckStation and prompts for BIOS downloads on certain emulators.
submitted by thehighshibe to Roms [link] [comments]


Hello Miners!
It’s the first Update of 2021, and we got some spicy stuff for you! This time we got two entirely new Planetary Regions for you to explore - the mysterious wonders of the AZURE WEALD, and the thorn-infested hell of HOLLOW BOUGH. Update 33 also includes all-new Mactera variations and several new strains of horrible Glyphid Dreadnought mutations. And then of course there’s the usual slew of other goodies - read more below for the full picture!
With Love, The Ghost Ship Crew


The Azure Weald is a chilly place, every bit as hostile as the rest of Hoxxes IV - but still, we cannot deny it is oddly beautiful. Dazzling, bioluminescent clusters of lichen light up the darkness, illuminating this fertile and overgrown Region in flickering neon colors. Don't let that lull you into a false sense of security, however - the Azure Weald brings to mind the deep jungle, in all its splendor and horror - and much like its terrestrial counterparts, it is absolutely not out to make friends. Kill or be killed - that is the law in this place.


Hollow Bough is a biological oddity that has the Science Department scratching their heads - this entire region of the planet is dominated by colossal, organic conglomerations resembling the inside of hollow trees. However, these structures are under attack by an invasive species of voracious vine-like plants, as much a threat to us as the planet itself. We recommend traversing these environs with extreme caution. The deep, dark folds of wood and bark house much more than a first glance let on.


New Biomes means new Milestones - one set for Azure Weald and one for Hollow Bough.


It’s Dawn of the Dread down there! Multiple reports have come in from teams finding Dreadnought Cocoons that are further progressed in their metamorphosis than previously encountered. While there are no external markers on the cocoons to show that they are different, the things waiting patiently inside certainly are. So far two confirmed Dreadnought variants have been encountered - but disturbing as this is, R&D ensures us that we are fortunate to have found them now and not later when the metamorphosis might be closer to completion.


Completely covered in unbreakable armor, this variant of the Dreadnought is immune to all damage, exposing it’s vulnerable areas only briefly while enraged. To make matters worse, the Hiveguard can call reinforcements to aid it in battle, hence the name. The Glyphid Sentinels that answer this battlecall are unlike any we have ever seen. We have no idea where they are coming from but they are both fast and tough. R&D recommends engaging the Dreadnought Hiveguard with great caution and a lot of ammunition.


Question: What’s worse than one Glyphid Dreadnought?
Answer: Two Glyphid Dreadnoughts. It would appear that a Cocooned Dreadnought can split in two during metamorphosis. The two monsters - the Arbalest and Lacerator - are both quite different from the original and from each other, displaying wholly unique behaviors. They would be bad enough on their own, but together they pose an immense threat - able to attack from multiple directions and varying ranges at once, while also displaying extreme mobility. Luckily, their shells are softer than that of a regular Dreadnought, allowing damage to pass through from any angle. R&D insists that this apparent weakness is only due to the untimely opening of the cocoon.


It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster, but we have finally fixed the issues with locating all the legs needed to fix the Mini M.U.L.E.s. We’ve taken this opportunity to also tweak the gameplay around it to better match our original vision. Now you can interact with a broken M.U.L.E. to download the locations of its missing legs to your terrain scanner. No more searching high and low for that last leg.
Update 32 came with a bunch of new tech that we were more than happy to add to existing missions. Exactly how the fuel made it from the fuel cells to the drop pod has always been a bit of a mystery, but not any more! Now in just a few easy steps you can connect a fuel-line between the two, similar to how you build pipelines in the On Site Refining mission.


After the release of Update 32 with its shiny new machines, the old Minehead really began to show its age. We decided it was time a model update, to make it match the raised standard. We hope you like it.


A new type of Mactera has been spotted in the depths. More cautious than its brethren, the Tri-Jaw tends to hang further back while delivering a triple barrage of projectiles. Make no mistake, it is a deadly thing, and should be exterminated with extreme prejudice.
Reports have been coming in of an armoured Mactera variant spotted flying in the swarm. These tough cookies can survive many attacks that would outright kill their more fragile cousins and they keep their vulnerable abdomens covered most of the time.
A distant cousin of the Deeptora has been spotted living in the folds and nooks of the Hollow Bough. Like their sand-dwelling cousins, the Bough Wasps are extremely territorial and will swarm any intruder that stray too close to their nest.
Hollow Bough is full of creepy stuff but none is as dangerous as the Stabber Vine. Plant or animal, the jury is still out on this one - regardless, it is very aggressive and persistent in its assault. Any dwarf foolish enough to stray too close will be repeatedly attacked by its stabbing vines. Keep your eyes peeled for the tell-tale spike on the end of it, as most of its body is difficult to distinguish from the overall mass of otherwise relatively harmless red vines that infest the area.


Some content creators have experienced copyright claims from music in the jukebox. So far we have tried to spot fix the problem by removing tunes that caused this problem, but now we have a better solution. We have produced 8 new “safe” tracks which are the only ones you will hear when you tick off STREAMER MODE: DISABLE COPYRIGHTED JUKEBOX MUSIC in the option menu. Those 8 tunes are of course also available to everyone in the “normal” Jukebox. This solution has also enabled us to bring back previously removed tunes.
Furthermore we have added a bunch of new dance moves. So it’s time to kill it on the dance floor!


In celebration of our Steam Award nomination and our amazing community that made it possible, we would like to present to you a fancy new helmet: The Bolted Marauder. Just because you deserve it!


The Mineral Trade menu was deemed ready for an update by Management. It’s now more intuitive than ever and juicy new Daily Deals have been added. Once per day, you can now benefit from an extra good deal (as in, not so bad deal!)l.


Some long overdue polish on the docking of the M.U.L.E. is finally here. No more jittery flapping about, Molly now has her own spot on the Drop Pod with a fancy electro-magnetic crane for loading and unloading.


Since almost the first test of the Escort Mission on our experimental branch players have been requesting for a way to save Doretta. It’s something many here at GSG have wanted as well and we are happy to announce that you no longer have to leave Doretta all alone in the dark. While it is not viable to return the bulk of the Drilldozer back to the Space Rig, kind dwarves can now grab Doretta’s head and carry it with them to the escape pod.
Just don’t expect any rewards or praise for doing so - Management couldn't care less!


Along the new Dreadnoughts, we also paid a visit to the original Dreadnought and tweaked it up a bit.


Our focus has been wholly on the new Biomes and Enemies for this Update, so there has been basically no tweaking of weapons or gear done at all.


[COMMUNITY REQUEST] You can now select audio output source and input source separately in-game
[COMMUNITY REQUEST] Games with Friends can now be sorted in the Server List



New Cosmetic Pack: Dawn of the Dread

Patch Notes Link
submitted by horrificabortion to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]

This Week At Bungie 12/3/2020

This week at Bungie, we prepare for next gen.
It’s been a while since we last spoke. I mean, it hasn’t been too long. We took a quick week off for holiday, but we’re back to the grind. There’s a bit to catch up on. Since the last TWAB, new Exotics have been discovered throughout Europa. Banshee has found new memories. The Deep Stone Crypt has been infiltrated. A dinosaur was sent into space.
Quite a few of you have been asking about raid statistics. It’s always fun seeing how many players took on the challenge for a completion during the first week. We dug through our databases and found some fun stats to share, and we’re happily surprised by how many of you completed your first ever Jacket Quest.
Day 1 Stats (Unique Raid Activity Clears)
Last Wish Garden of Salvation Deep Stone Crypt
4 551 29,814
Launch +10 Days Stats
Statistic Last Wish Garden of Salvation Deep Stone Crypt
Unique Raid Activity Clears 3,555 33,152 258,049
Total Player Hours 2,185,983 2,807,504 7,156,651
Total Kills 338,667,495 446,461,881 1,100,488,566
Total Deaths 32,734,027 42,676,699 85,008,596
A final fun fact: Over 979,680 Guardians unlocked The Lament since the quest went live. That’s a LOT of sword damage.
Now that we’ve covered the time that’s passed, let’s get back to business.

Light Keepers – Charity Update!

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Earlier this week we kicked off our Game2Give Light Keepers charity initiative and, to no one’s surprise, the Destiny community has shown up in force. At the time of writing this TWAB, you’ve already raised above $450k, and we’re still in the first week! Our overall goal is to raise $2 Million, and we're well on our way.
We also announced our charity milestone rewards, one of which you’ve already unlocked. In case you missed it, say hello to the concept art of our upcoming Dawning 2020 Titan universal Ornament.
Image Linkimgur
If you’d like to chip in a few dollars for charity, head over this way to help out and donate. We have more Dawning concept art to share, and some lore readings from special guests once you break the $1 million donation mark!
  • $250k – Dawning 2020 Titan universal ornament concept art
    • (You've already smashed this milestone)
  • $500k – Dawning 2020 Warlock universal ornament concept art
  • $750k – Dawning 2020 Hunter universal ornament concept art
  • $1 million – Dawning 2020 Legendary Reward preview
  • Every $100k after reaching $1 million – Guest lore reading
For the full schedule of featured streamers, head on over to the Game2Give website to learn more.

Return of the Banner

With the raid done and dusted, Lord Saladin is ready to get Guardians back into the Iron Banner. This will be the first Iron Banner to feature Stasis powers, so we’re all excited for what’s to come.
Image Linkimgur
For any New Lights out there, Iron Banner is a limited time 6v6 Crucible activity with Power-enabled combat. While artifact power is disabled, you’ll want to infuse and equip your most powerful gear before jumping in.
Similar to Control, there are three zones on the map for your team to capture. The more zones you hold, the more points you get when defeating Guardians. If your team is brave enough to capture all three zones, the opposing team will be locked out of capturing zones for a short duration. In other words, this is your time to shine while your enemies cower in fear.
To say it clearly, capping those zones is one of the most important things you can do. Stay close to your teammates, slay your enemies, and enjoy the spoils of victory!
Lord Saladin can be found in The Tower, offering Iron Banner bounties with pinnacle-powered rewards. If you’d like to adorn your Guardian in Iron Banner-themed loot, he’s got you covered. Two weapons from the first year of Destiny 2 have been reprised, now featuring random rolls! Additionally, the Iron Will armor set is making its return, updated to accept new combat mods.
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Iron Banner begins at 9 AM on December 8, running through 9 AM on December 15.
Truth be told, you’ll be downloading an update right before Iron Banner becomes available. You know what that means? It’s time for a patch note preview.

It's All in the Patch... Notes

December 8 can’t come soon enough. In just a few short days, next-generation enhancements will be coming to Destiny 2! In case you missed our next-gen article, here’s a quick refresher of the update coming next week:
Feature Xbox Series X PlayStation 5 Xbox Series S
Resolution 4K 4K 1080p
Framerate 60fps 60fps 60fps
120hz Crucible Support Supported* Supported* Not Supported
Field of View Slider Yes Yes Yes
Faster Load Times Yes Yes Yes
Cross-Generation Play Yes Yes Yes
Next-Generation Upgrade Free Xbox Smart Delivery Yes Xbox Smart Delivery
For all details concerning our next gen enhancements, click here!
Destiny 2 Update 3.0.1 has quite a bit more under the hood. The team has been working on some bug fixes for issues found around launch, but we also have a few promises to keep. Let’s dig in.
Dungeons - Prophecy
  • The Prophecy Dungeon will be returning to Destiny 2 on December 8, 2020.
    • This endgame activity is free to all players.
    • Powerful rewards may be earned from each checkpoint once per week.
    • Players may complete the dungeon once per week to obtain a pinnacle-powered reward.
    • Previously featured weapon and armor rewards are available once more.
Destiny Companion App – Bounties
  • Beginning next week, players may acquire bounties from Destiny 2 vendors using the Destiny Companion App.
    • Bounties may only be acquired when players are Offline, In Orbit, or in The Tower.
  • This will be introduced through a Companion App update, which is planned for December 8, 2020.
    • Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for more on this Companion App update.
New Light – Resolved Issues
  • Fixed an issue with the New Light subclass quest where Ikora's waypoint was suppressed.
  • Fixed an issue where veteran players with two characters of the same class were blocked from acquiring their subclasses.
  • Fixed an issue where a step on the New Light pursuit was not granting experience.
  • Fixed an issue where players who skip the Shotgun chest in the first mission did not receive Special ammo when the Shotgun was granted.
Monument to Lost Lights
  • Fixed an issue where the waypoint on the Exotic Archive Vendor continues to flash for players who own all Exotics.
  • Badges and Armor in Collections correctly select player's class.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI would forget which page the player was on after previewing an item in Collections.
  • Fixed a bug where some new armor mods had incorrect sources listed in Collections.
  • Updated the mercy rule for Control and Clash to prevent it from triggering too early in the match.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Survivor" medal could be awarded to players who were defeated during the round.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Untouchable" medal could not be earned.
Beyond Light Exotics
  • Icefall Mantle
    • Fixed a bug where the Icefall Mantle's description did not mention the slow field it generates when activated.
  • Mask of Bakris
    • Improved the readability of the visual effects when another player wearing Mask of Bakris shifts directly toward you.
    • Updated the description string of Mask of Bakris's perk to correctly describe its damage bonus, which applies only to combatants and affects all Arc weapon damage and all damage against slowed or encased enemies.
      • Additionally, fixed an issue where this damage bonus was applying to players who are slowed or encased in Crucible and Gambit.
  • Necrotic Grip
    • Fixed an issue where being killed by the effects of Necrotic Grip would show as being "Killed by the Architects."
We’ll have a full list of patch notes ready to go on December 8 when the patch becomes avaailble for download. Speaking of availability…

Player Support Dream Team

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With every patch, many of you ask what time you should set your alarm to in order to wake up for the fresh update. How long should you spend eating breakfast before hopping online? At what point should you shake your fists in the air because you forgot to set your console to auto update? Destiny Player Support has most of the answers we’re looking for. Some you may have to answer on your own!
This is their report.
UPDATE 3.0.1
Today, December 3, background maintenance for Update 3.0.1 will begin. Below is a timeline of events:
  • December 3, 10 AM PST (1800 UTC): Destiny 2 background maintenance for Update 3.0.1 begins.
  • December 3, 2PM PST (2200 UTC): Destiny 2 background maintenance for Update 3.0.1. completes.
  • December 8, 7 AM PST (1500 UTC): Destiny 1 and 2 maintenance for Update 3.0.1 begins.
  • December 8, 8 AM PST (1600 UTC): Players are removed from activities in Destiny 1 and 2 and won't be able to log back in until 9 AM PST when Update 3.0.1 is available.
  • December 8, 9 AM PST (1700 UTC): Destiny 2 Update 3.0.1 is rolled out across all platforms and regions. Players can log back into Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 at this time. Ongoing maintenance is expected to conclude at 10 AM PST.
  • December 8 10 AM PST (1800 UTC): Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.
When Update 3.0.1 releases on December 8, next-gen console users (Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5) will need to download the full-size game, regardless if they have been playing Destiny 2 since Beyond Light’s launch. This does not affect Xbox One, PlayStation 4, or Steam users. Pre-load will not be available for this patch - pre-loads are usually only available for expansion type patches and are not available for hotfixes or seasonal updates.
The estimated patch sizes for Update 3.0.1 based on platforms are as follows:
  • Xbox Series X|S 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~70.0 GB
  • PlayStation 5 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~67.0 GB
  • Xbox One 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~2.35 GB
  • PlayStation 4 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~2.09 GB
  • Steam 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~1.5 GB
Additionally, the updated Storage Requirements for Destiny 2 are as follows:
Platform Destiny 2 Install Size *Free Space Needed to Update *
Xbox Series X/S 70.0 GB 70.0 GB
PlayStation 5 67.0 GB 67.0 GB
PlayStation 4 70.78 GB 70.78 GB
Xbox One 65.7 65.7
PC 69.7 GB* 69.7 GB*
  • PC: Destiny 2 install size may vary based on languages installed, size shown is maximum size possible.
  • Below is a list of some issues expected to be resolved with Update 3.0.1:
  • The lift tubes in the Warden of Nothing strike fully drain Super energy.
  • The "Wanted: The Fanatic" Triumph is not being awarded after defeating the Fanatic in the Forsaken campaign.
  • "The Hit List" Triumph is not being awarded after defeating all the Barons in the Forsaken campaign.
  • The holograms from looped emotes, such as the Luxurious Toast and Feline Fancy emotes, disappear and leave players in a static position after the first loop ends.
  • The Adored Sniper Rifle cannot be reacquired from the Collections.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
  • Players who are colorblind may have difficulties seeing trails in Wrathborn Hunts.
  • In the Last Wish raid, players will get the “Place Relic” prompt for Riven’s Heart even if they aren’t holding it.
  • The Binary System ornament for Symmetry disables enemy highlighting in seeker mode.
  • Some players are being forced to reacquire the Cryptolith Lure every time they launch the game.
  • Major enemies that drop Moon weapon parts aren’t spawning.
  • The Scourge of the Past armor can’t take Season of Arrivals mods.
  • The Strength of Memory Challenge can’t be completed.
  • Some icicles on the Rimed Ghost shell are black and don’t look like icicles.
  • The Lost Lament quest sometimes progresses inconsistently/not at all and sometimes needs to be abandoned and reacquired to continue.
  • Kills with the Jade Rabbit Exotic Scout Rifle no longer auto-refill its magazine.
  • The Halcyon Visage Exotic Sparrow takes shaders poorly.
  • The Selfie Emote functions poorly on ultrawide monitor setups.
  • The Wisdom of the Witch Triumph no longer counts progress.
  • Some players cannot progress past the first mission of A Guardian Rises.
  • The Drifter sometimes misgenders players in idle dialogue and Gambit dialogue.
  • Eris still has a Weekly Challenge for some players. This Weekly Challenge intentionally does not provide a Powerful reward.
  • Flawless Execution on the Way of the Wraith Hunter subclass has a delayed trigger.
  • Resetting Valor rank on step 4 of 5 on the Light Reforged Crucible quest prevents future Valor earned from being recorded for the quest.
  • Multiple ships have their rocket effects floating behind the ship model.
  • Shiver Strike Titan melee does not function with the Heavy Handed mod.
  • Collections go back to the main menu instead of to the previous section.
  • HDR isn’t working as intended.
  • We’re investigating player reports that their veteran dialogue has been replaced with new character dialogue.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

Don’t Fall for an Imposter

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Since the Deep Stone Crypt raid went live, we’ve been watching numerous fireteams take on the challenge. For some, it was their first trip through pinnacle content in Destiny 2. Exploring new zones, encountering new bosses, and earning new loot is always exciting! For others, this was an opportunity to take things to the limit by taking on the challenge solo. Who needs a backpack?
Movie of the Week: Solo Slayer
Video Link
Movie of the Week: Beneath the Ice
Video Link
Movie of the Week: Band of Bro
Video Link
If you’d like to throw your hat in the Movie of the Week ring, make sure to tag your video with #MOTW, submit it to the Community Creations page, and include any and all contributors to your video in the description.

Piecing Art Together

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‘Tis always the season to celebrate the artists of our community. Whether it be an awesome cosplay build, a slick digital piece, or a handcrafted replica of a raid boss using plastic construction toys, we’re excited to celebrate it!
Art of the Week: Blocktraks-1
She is done! Atraks-1, the First(?) Eliksni Exo. Her Encounter on Day one but was super Satisfying to beat together with my Day1 team! This is easly my proudest Destiny 2 Build, and I hope you all will enjoy it!
__________#Destiny2 #DeepStoneCrypt #LEGO #MOC @Bungie #DestinyArt
— Ernie (@TheCreeperIV) December 1, 2020
Art of the Week: Silence… and Squall
Silence and Squall@Bungie @DestinyTheGame @A_dmg04 @rDESTNYCREATION #BeyondLight #Destiny2 #DestinyArt #fanart
— PJM (@PJM_Artwork) December 1, 2020
Art of the Week: Preparing for the Dawning
Preparations for 2020's dawning have started. ❄️#destinythegame #DestinyArt #BeyondLight
— sentinelscg (@Konradodo) December 1, 2020
If you’d like to be featured, make sure to tag your creation with #DestinyArt wherever you happen to submit it! We frequently check Twitter, Instagram, and our very own Creations page for things to highlight.
That’s a wrap for this week. A bit to look forward to next week, and even more over the course of December. Thanks to that community art, I've just realized it's almost time for the Dawning. More on that soon…
Next week will be our final TWAB of the year. We’re entering a period where many of our employees will be spending time with family, celebrating the end of a year, and recharging for what’s to come in 2021. We’ll still be around to respond to your feedback, process bug reports, and keep the servers running.
Now, it’s time for me to raid. Looking for a better roll on my Trustee scout rifle from the Deep Stone Crypt. Any suggestions?
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

Destiny 2 Next-Gen-Patch & Maintenance Megathread [2020-12-08]

Sign-On has been reenabled & servers are slowly booting up - you might see a queue / "at capacity" messages.

All such posts will be redirected here.

(Background) Maintenace will last another hour (until 1900 UTC).

Hey Guardians,
Here's a megathread for the upcoming maintenance that will bring us Update 3.0.1 & the Next-Gen-Patch (PS5 & Xbox Series X|S only). All posts about the maintenance & next-gen-patch will be redirected to this thread.

Downtime will begin when this thread is one hour old. Some features of third party apps (like DIM) could be disabled right now.

Game Downtime is 1 HOUR (until DAILY RESET). Maintenance will take another hour after that to complete.

Most of the time the game is (more or lessContacting Destiny servers...) playable during the ongoing Maintenance after the Downtime is over

Patch & Patchnotes should hit at DAILY RESET as well.

Please note that maintenance isn't fully over until one hour after reset, which means third party apps (like DIM, and your beloved DTG_Bot) might not completely work until then!


A highlight of this patch is free Next-Gen-Support for PS5 & Xbox Series X|S, for all those lucky enough to snag one. Here is what you can expect (please read this article for all details):
Feature Xbox Series X PlayStation 5 Xbox Series S
Resolution 4K 4K 1080p
Framerate 60fps 60fps 60fps
120hz Crucible Support Supported* Supported* Not Supported
Field of View Slider Yes Yes Yes
Faster Load Times Yes Yes Yes
Cross-Generation Play Yes Yes Yes
* For supported platforms, 120hz Crucible requires a 120hz compatible display. When enabled, Destiny 2 switches to 120hz, lowers resolution, and lowers some advanced graphics settings upon entering a Crucible match. All other modes remain at 4k/60fps.
Please note that affected consoles are required to basically re-download the entire game as soon as the patch is available:
  • Xbox Series X|S 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~70.0 GB
  • PlayStation 5 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~67.0 GB
  • Xbox One 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~2.35 GB
  • PlayStation 4 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~2.09 GB
  • Steam 3.0.1’s patch download size: ~1.5 GB
There has been no indication that deleting the game has any benefit, so keep it installed and just let it copy the patch over it!

Other Patch Notes preview

Dungeons - Prophecy
  • The Prophecy Dungeon will be returning to Destiny 2 on December 8, 2020.
    • This endgame activity is free to all players.
    • Powerful rewards may be earned from each checkpoint once per week.
    • Players may complete the dungeon once per week to obtain a pinnacle-powered reward.
    • Previously featured weapon and armor rewards are available once more.
Destiny Companion App – Bounties
  • Beginning next week, players may acquire bounties from Destiny 2 vendors using the Destiny Companion App.
    • Bounties may only be acquired when players are Offline, In Orbit, or in The Tower.
  • This will be introduced through a Companion App update, which is planned for December 8, 2020.
    • Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for more on this Companion App update.
New Light – Resolved Issues
  • Fixed an issue with the New Light subclass quest where Ikora's waypoint was suppressed.
  • Fixed an issue where veteran players with two characters of the same class were blocked from acquiring their subclasses.
  • Fixed an issue where a step on the New Light pursuit was not granting experience.
  • Fixed an issue where players who skip the Shotgun chest in the first mission did not receive Special ammo when the Shotgun was granted.
Monument to Lost Lights
  • Fixed an issue where the waypoint on the Exotic Archive Vendor continues to flash for players who own all Exotics.
  • Badges and Armor in Collections correctly select player's class.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI would forget which page the player was on after previewing an item in Collections.
  • Fixed a bug where some new armor mods had incorrect sources listed in Collections.
  • Updated the mercy rule for Control and Clash to prevent it from triggering too early in the match.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Survivor" medal could be awarded to players who were defeated during the round.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Untouchable" medal could not be earned.
Beyond Light Exotics
  • Icefall Mantle
    • Fixed a bug where the Icefall Mantle's description did not mention the slow field it generates when activated.
  • Mask of Bakris
    • Improved the readability of the visual effects when another player wearing Mask of Bakris shifts directly toward you.
    • Updated the description string of Mask of Bakris's perk to correctly describe its damage bonus, which applies only to combatants and affects all Arc weapon damage and all damage against slowed or encased enemies.
    • Additionally, fixed an issue where this damage bonus was applying to players who are slowed or encased in Crucible and Gambit.
  • Necrotic Grip
    • Fixed an issue where being killed by the effects of Necrotic Grip would show as being "Killed by the Architects."
  • The lift tubes in the Warden of Nothing strike fully drain Super energy.
  • The "Wanted: The Fanatic" Triumph is not being awarded after defeating the Fanatic in the Forsaken campaign.
  • "The Hit List" Triumph is not being awarded after defeating all the Barons in the Forsaken campaign.
  • The holograms from looped emotes, such as the Luxurious Toast and Feline Fancy emotes, disappear and leave players in a static position after the first loop ends.
  • The Adored Sniper Rifle cannot be reacquired from the Collections.
Time UTC Action
7:00 AM PST 1500 UTC Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 maintenance is scheduled to begin. Some Destiny Companion features may be unavailable on Web, Mobile, and Third-Party Apps.
8:00 AM PST 1600 UTC Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 will be brought offline for expected maintenance. Players will be removed from activities and won't be able to log back into Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 until 9 AM PST on December 8. Destiny 2 Update 3.0.1 will begin rolling out across all platforms and regions.
9:00 AM PST 1700 UTC Players will be able to log back into Destiny 1 and Destiny 2. Players logging into the game may be placed in a queue, and may experience sign-on issues as background maintenance is still ongoing.
10:00 AM PST 1800 UTC Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude. Console players who encounter issues updating to Update 3.0.1 should restart their console and try downloading the update. Players who observe issues should report to the #Help forum.
Timezone convertor for Guardians in need.

Sub News: New Flairs available!

Our Flairmaster Glamdring804 recently added Beyond Light flairs to our flair selector tool, go check them out!
Unfortunately due to reddit limitations you can only see them on "old" reddit, sorry :( (due to other issues, like the TWAB not loading properly on "new" reddit, we always recommend to use "old" reddit on Desktop browsers).
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

Fallout 76: Steel Dawn Update Notes – November 24, 2020

Edit (10:40 p.m. ET, Nov 24): Maintenance is complete and the Steel Dawn Update is now live. Thanks for your patience during downtime today, everyone. We hope you enjoy the new quests!
Hi, everyone! We've decided to release the Steel Dawn Update a week early on all platforms, and we expect Fallout 76 will be back online between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. ET. You can head here on to catch more details. While we're offline for maintenance, please feel free to check out the patch notes below:
Today marks the release of our Steel Dawn Update, and with it, the return of the Brotherhood of Steel to Appalachia. Take on the Steel Dawn questline, meet new characters, explore new locations, and lay claim to some new rewards. This update also introduces the C.A.M.P. Shelters feature, hunger and thirst improvements, and much more. Read on to catch the patch notes.

Update Highlights

  • Ad Victoriam!: The Brotherhood of Steel is back! Explore the first chapter of their story, meet new characters, visit new and updated locations, and unlock rewards as you experience the all-new Steel Dawn questline.
  • Head Underground: Flex those creative muscles by building out your very own instanced interiors with our first three C.A.M.P. Shelters.
  • Gear Up: Complete Steel Dawn quests and take on Daily Ops to earn new weapons and armor that are straight from the Brotherhood arsenal.
  • Don’t Just Survive, Thrive!: We’ve removed all negative effects from Hunger and Thirst. Instead, you’ll receive buffs that increase based on how well fed and hydrated you are.
  • Save Those Atoms: (Coming December 1) Already have some of the items in an Atomic Shop bundle? No problem! Bundle prices now lower automatically if you already own any items they contain.

Update Version

Check the download sizes below for today’s patch on your platform of choice:
  • PC ( 8.3 GB
  • PC (Microsoft Store): 16.4 GB
  • PC (Steam): 8.8 GB
  • PlayStation 4: 15.2 GB
  • Xbox One: 16.0 GB

New Steel Dawn Questline

The Brotherhood of Steel has returned to Appalachia on a mission to reclaim the region for humanity, to preserve any tech they can find, and to find out what befell Paladin Taggerdy and her crew. Starting today, you can begin your journey with the Brotherhood of Steel and work toward a brighter future for Appalachia in the all-new Steel Dawn questline.
  • Complete New Quests: Meet the new Brotherhood arrivals and begin your journey through the Steel Dawn questline by heading to Fort Atlas (formerly ATLAS Observatory) in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia.
    • Your level 20+ characters can begin the Steel Dawn quests immediately, even if you haven’t completed any prior Fallout 76 quest content.
    • When you log in with an eligible character, a quest called “Welcome to the Neighborhood” will prompt you to visit Fort Atlas.
    • Please note: You can now Fast Travel to Fort Atlas for free. However, if you had already discovered ATLAS Observatory before to today’s update, its icon will no longer be visible on your Map. You will need to revisit the area to discover Fort Atlas, which will cause its Map marker to appear.
  • Meet New Faces: Get acquainted with new characters, like Paladin Rahmani, Knight Shin, Scribe Valdez, and many others who have arrived in Appalachia with the Steel Dawn Update.
  • Explore New locations: We’ve added several new locations and updated a number of existing ones that you’ll delve into during your journey with the Brotherhood.
  • Gear Up with New Rewards: Progress through the Steel Dawn questline and complete Daily Ops to earn a host of cosmetic, C.A.M.P., and item rewards, including the following new weapons and armor straight from the Brotherhood arsenal:
    • Crusader Pistol
    • Plasma Cutter
    • Hellstorm Missile Launcher
    • Brotherhood Recon Armor
    • You can purchase a variety of mods for these new items from Regs in Vault 79 using Gold Bullion, including mods that can alter each weapon to deal various types of elemental damage.
  • Main Menu Updates: The Brotherhood has taken over the game’s Main Menu with an all-new background video and music.

C.A.M.P. Shelters

Head underground with C.A.M.P. Shelters, which are instanced interiors that you can add to your C.A.M.P. and customize to flex your creativity as a builder.
  • We’ve added a brief new quest, called “Home Expansion,” to the game that all players must complete in order to gain access to the C.A.M.P. Shelters feature.
    • Begin the “Home Expansion” quest by reading a Shelters Claim Center poster in Train Stations throughout Appalachia. Or, find your way inside the Claim Center by locating a key in the northern Forest region.
  • With today’s update, we’re introducing our first three C.A.M.P. Shelters, which each offer a different sized space to build in, and feature their own layouts and styles.
    • Vault Utility Room: After completing the “Home Expansion” quest, all players can claim the Vault Utility Room for free in the Atomic Shop.
  • Please Note: Since we decided to release Steel Dawn early, only the Vault Utility Room will be available on November 24. The Vault Lobby and Atrium described below will arrive at a later date.
    • Vault Lobby: Fallout 1st Members can claim this medium-sized Shelter this month in the Fallout 1st section of the Atomic Shop. In the future, it will be available to all players for Atoms.
    • Vault Atrium: The largest of our first three Shelters, the Vault Atrium can be purchased using Atoms.
  • Once you’ve claimed a C.A.M.P. Shelter, you can access its interior by building the associated Shelter Entrance in your C.A.M.P.
    • Your C.A.M.P. can contain one of each type of Shelter that you own, and you can build multiple Entrances to the same Shelter.
    • Find your available Shelter Entrances by scrolling to the new “Shelters” category in the C.A.M.P. Build Menu. Select the Entrance you’d like to build, and then head inside.
  • Every Shelter has its own build budget that is separate from your main C.A.M.P., as well as any other Shelters you’ve built.
    • Your Shelter interiors will be saved as you build, so you won’t lose anything if you relocate your C.A.M.P., move your Shelter Entrances, or if your Entrances get destroyed.
    • Since they are instanced, Shelters are able to offer sizable build budgets. Currently, each of our first three Shelters have larger budgets than your main C.A.M.P.
  • We’ve relaxed certain build restrictions inside Shelters by introducing a “Toggle Snapping” option that you can turn off to place objects anywhere you’d like, or turn on to snap objects to each other or the build grid.
    • Additionally, use the Shelter Control Panel inside of each C.A.M.P. Shelter to quickly scrap or repair everything you’ve built so far.

Design Updates

Dynamic Bundle Pricing
  • Please Note: Since we decided to release Steel Dawn early, Dynamic Bundles will not be available until our original patch date of December 1.
  • A common suggestion we’ve received from Atomic Shop aficionados has been to reduce bundle prices for players who already own some of the items they contain. With today’s update, we’ve added pricing tech that will do just that.
    • Going forward, if you own one or more items in a bundle, its Atom price will automatically reduce accordingly. The more items you already have, the lower your adjusted price.
    • Bundles that have been adjusted this way will now display your price vs. the original price.
    • Items you already own will be marked in each Bundle’s description.
  • We’ve also added a new “Bundles” category to the left-hand side of the Atomic Shop menu so that you can more easily find all of the bundles that are currently available without having to hunt for them on multiple pages.
Additional Atomic Shop Updates
  • Backpack Flair: Add even more personality to your characters with Backpack Flair! We’ve added two Backpack Flair slots to the modify menu for Backpacks that you can use to add cosmetic Flair.
    • Going forward, keep an eye out for different Backpack Flairs that you can unlock in the Atomic Shop, claim from Season Scoreboards, or earn as rewards in-game.
    • Backpacks you crafted prior to the Steel Dawn Update will not have Backpack Flair mod slots. Craft new versions of your Backpacks to cause the Backpack Flair slots to appear.
    • Please Note: While the Backpack Flair system is live as of November 24, Flairs themselves are not yet available. We will let you know as soon as we add them on a later date.
  • Fallout 1st: Items that have special discounts for Fallout 1st Members will now appear in the Fallout 1st section of the Atomic Shop while they are on sale.
    • These items will now also display a Fallout 1st icon, both in the Fallout 1st category and in their appropriate sub categories in the Atomic Shop.
  • Lunchboxes: In addition to earning Lunchbox rewards from a Season Scoreboard, or buying them with Gold Bullion in-game, you can now purchase them for Atoms in the Atomic Shop.
    • Please Note: Since we decided to release Steel Dawn early, Lunchboxes will not be available in the Shop until our original patch date of December 1.
    • Lunchbox buff descriptions and the chances to receive each buff have been added to the “Lunchboxes” section of the Help Menu.
Daily Ops
  • New Items: We’ve added a number of new rare rewards that you can earn by completing Daily Ops. They include Plans to craft Brotherhood Recon Armor, the Crusader Pistol, Plasma Cutter, and Hellstorm Missile Launcher.
  • Plan Rewards: Say goodbye to duplicate Plans! Non-tradeable item Plans that can be awarded by Daily Ops, like the War Glaive Plan, will no longer continue to drop as rewards after you’ve learned them.
  • Mutations and Enemies: To help keep Daily Ops feeling fresh each day, we’ve made an adjustment to prevent the same enemy mutation and faction from appearing two days in a row.
Hunger and Thirst Updates
  • We agree with feedback from the community that our hunger and thirst mechanics could feel a little too punishing. We’ve decided to remove the negative effects when you’re hungry or thirsty, and buff up the bonuses you receive when you’re fed and hydrated.
  • Going forward, your Action Points, Health, and Disease Resists will no longer be negatively affected when you haven’t had anything to eat or drink recently.
  • Instead, you will receive buffs that increase depending on how full your hunger and thirst meters are:
    • Hunger: Gain +15 Max HP when partially fed, up to +35 Max HP, +35% Disease Resist, and +1 Strength when fully fed.
    • Thirst: Gain +15% AP Regeneration when partially hydrated, up to +35% AP Regeneration, +35% Disease Resist, and +1 Endurance when fully hydrated.
  • Holiday Gifts: Increased the weight of Holiday Gifts to 1 pound each, and made them untradeable.
  • Pacifist Mode: When Pacifist Mode becomes available to new characters at level 5, it will now be toggled on by default.
User Interface
  • Map: Added a Fast Travel point and Map marker for Vault 51.

Bug Fixes

  • Settler Forager: Players can once again receive Daily Quests from the Settler Forager Ally.
Art & Graphics
  • Animations: Human NPCs that have both legs crippled no longer appear to fall down and then immediately stand back up. Instead, they will remain standing, but they will remain immobile until one leg is healed.
  • Power Armor:** Players’ posteriors are now properly protected while wearing Enclave Power Armor.
  • Weapons: Turbo-Fert Fertilizer Grenades no longer appear to explode twice on detonation.
  • Weapons: Charging up the Gauss Pistol and then holstering it no longer causes a small portion of the weapon model to disappear.
C.A.M.P. and Workshops
  • General: Grass and small plants are once again visually removed when placing Foundations and other large C.A.M.P. objects on top of them.
  • Brotherhood Field Station: Closed up a hole in the Field Station’s ceiling.
  • Décor: Players can now build Powered Lawn Flamingos without having learned the base Lawn Flamingo Plan.
  • Encampment Bridge: Fixed an issue that could allow Encampment Bridge pieces to remain floating in mid-air after removing connecting pieces.
  • Encampment Fence: The Encampment Fence now spins at its center point when rotating the object in build mode, and its explosion visual effects also appear at its center point when the Fence is destroyed.
  • Exploit: Traps now have a minimum distance that they can be placed from other Traps. C.A.M.P.s and Blueprints containing Traps that are stacked on top of each other can no longer be placed.
  • Exploit: Addressed a C.A.M.P. budget exploit related to Wires.
  • Exploit: Addressed an item exploit related to Collectron Stations.
  • Rocket Rides: Can no longer be placed clipping into other objects.
  • Super Reactor: Now scraps into Aluminum, Copper, and Rubber, instead of just Rubber.
  • Explosion Damage: Fixed an issue that caused non-physical explosions from weapons, like Floater Grenades, to deal less damage than intended.
  • VATS: Greatly improved the accuracy of chance to hit percentages when using VATS.
  • VATS: Hits that successfully strike the target now deal damage correctly.
  • VATS: Fixed an issue that could cause VATS to close when line of sight to the targeted enemy became partially obstructed.
  • VATS: Continuing to fire a Flamer or Cryolator after closing VATS no longer stops those weapons from damaging enemies.
  • VATS: Corrected the damage dealt when firing the Tesla Rifle and uncharged Gauss Weapons in VATS.
Daily Ops
  • Contextual Ammo: Enemies in Daily Ops now correctly drop Shotgun Shells when using the Fancy Shotgun.
  • Bosses: Daily Ops Bosses no longer sometimes swap their unique weapons for weapons from nearby creature corpses.
  • Bosses: The Super Mutant Daily Ops Boss is no longer disarmed after being staggered.
  • Operation Report: After achieving Paladin Tier or higher, the rewards list in the Operation Report now correctly includes both of the player’s legendary item rewards.
  • Vault 94: Fixed an issue causing certain doors inside Vault 94 to display a button prompt without any text.
  • Blood Eagles: Can no longer be turned into Scorched Blood Eagles by Scorchbeasts.
  • Earle Williams: Can no longer turn into an Ash Pile or a Goo Pile on death, nor dismembered by the Bloody Mess Perk.
  • Scorchbeast Queen: No longer clips into the terrain during her strafe attack.
  • Apparel: Fixed several instances where Enclave Underarmor could clip through different apparel, like the Bomber Jacket and the Pint-Sized Slasher Outift.
  • Armor: Sturdy and Heavy Metal Left Leg Armor can now drop as legendary items.
  • Armor: Players can now correctly remove Misc. Mods from Armor pieces.
  • Armor: Secret Service Armor with the Weightless legendary attribute no longer counteracts cloaking granted by the Chameleon Mutation.
  • Gamma Gun: Firing rapidly no longer sometimes causes the Gamma Gun to fire more rounds than the magazine contains.
  • Gauss Minigun: The crosshair no longer persists on top of the Gauss Minigun’s sights while aiming after applying the Gunner Sights mod.
  • Gauss Shotgun: Can no longer spawn with the Explosive legendary effect.
  • Heavy Weapons: The Cryolator now correctly deals cryo damage, and the Flamer deals fire damage.
  • Mods: Weapons that have Heated Mods applied now correctly deal Fire damage.
  • Mods: The Refrigerated Backpack Mod now consistently reduces the food spoilage rate by 50%.
  • Mods: Weighted Armor Mods now ignore 5 points of enemy Damage Resist in addition to the 10% they ignored previously. This will improve situations where Weighted mods had very little effect on enemies who already had low Damage Resists.
  • Pump-Action Shotgun: Increased Pump-Action Shotgun Bash damage so that it is in line with Rifles and other Shotguns.
  • Recipes: The Radstag Redemption, Mirelurk Boil, and Headhunters Headcheese Recipe Notes now correctly unlock the ability to craft those items.
  • Thrown Weapons: The following weapons now deal the correct damage types, and they are properly enhanced by the Demolition Expert Perk Card.:
    • Cryogenic Grenade
    • Cryo Mine
    • Floater Grenades
    • Plasma Grenade
    • Molotov Cocktail
  • War Glaive: Added Copper to the War Glaive’s crafting requirements and removed the Plasma Core requirement.
  • Carnivore: The following items now count as meat when affected by the Carnivore Mutation:
    • Canned Dog Food
    • Deathclaw Eggs and Omelettes
    • Frog Eggs
    • Imitation Seafood
    • Mirelurk Eggs and Omelettes
    • Mothman Eggs
    • Pork n’ Beans
    • Radscorpion Eggs and Omelettes
    • Radtoad Eggs and Omelettes
    • Radtoad Omelettes
    • Salisbury Steak (Preserved)
    • Yum Yum Deviled Eggs
  • Herbivore: The following items now count as plant-based food when affected by the Herbivore Mutation:
    • Cajun Rice & Beans
    • Firecap Tasty Souffle
    • InstaMash
    • Preserved InstaMash
    • Vegetarian Ham
  • Animations: Corrected a number of issues that could cause various world NPCs to play incorrect animations or temporarily stop animating.
  • Fisher: No longer plays an animation as though he is using a terminal when he is not near one.
  • The Overseer: No longer sometimes becomes stuck when heading to the presentation room during “Overseer, Overseen.”
  • Whitespring Bots: Sentry Bots and Doorman Protectrons now respond properly when players interact with them.
Performance and Stability
  • Client Stability: Fixed an issue that could cause a client crash when loading into a world.
  • Server Performance: Players will no longer receive an error when joining a Daily Op while using furniture.
  • Server Stability: Addressed a server crash that could occur when loading into a world.
  • Performance: Addressed an issue that could result in a performance drop when viewing the Season Scoreboard.
  • Animal Friend: Removed outdated level requirement wording from the Perk Card description.
  • Chem Fiend: Now correctly increases the duration of all effects granted by Berry Mentats.
  • Nerd Rage: Fixed an issue causing Nerd Rage to grant its damage bonus while above 20% health.
  • Wasteland Whisperer: Removed outdated level requirement wording from the Perk Card description.
Quests and Events
  • Ally: Thicker than Water: Watoga Underground is now properly instanced.
  • Defend: Billings Homestead: Enemies no longer get stuck or spawn in nearby water during Workshop events at Billings Homestead.
  • Free Range: Beefed up Brahmin health and resistances during the Free Range event.
  • Project Paradise: Friendly creatures that appear after completely filling the habitat troughs now have a consistent max level of 100.
  • Scorched Earth: Now correctly grants a 3-star legendary item reward on completion.
  • Armor Ace Shooting Gallery: Joining a Daily Op while using the Armor Ace Shooting Gallery no longer causes its sound effects to play continuously.
  • Boney Death Tambo: Added unique sound effects to the Boney Death Tambo Skin.
  • Communist Bunker: Sound effects no longer continue to play after the door has finished opening or closing.
  • Encampment Fence: Corrected the sound effects that play when opening the Encampment Fence Gate.
  • Hounds Reclining Sofa Chairs: Now play sound effects when players sit in them.
  • Theremin: Now plays one of two different songs, depending on the in-game time of day.
User Interface
  • Map: Bloody Frank’s is now labeled correctly on the Map.
  • Scoreboard: On PC, pressing the Spacebar while viewing the Scoreboard in-game no longer incorrectly opens the Challenge Menu.
  • Pathing: Fixed a number of objects in the world that players could path through or clip into.
  • Pathing: Fixed several locations throughout the world where players could become stuck.
submitted by BethesdaGameStudios_ to fo76 [link] [comments]

On Epic's 2nd anniverary, let's look back at what has happened in the last ~365 days

EDIT 1: Added more sources, more info, corrected some typos.
I want to make a follow up to this post, in hopes of chronicling Epic's 2nd year as a "store". I will most likely forget things, so please let me know if there's things I can add. You can also check the 2020 sticky for even more info
1) After purchasing Psyonix, Rocket League has gone free to play, has lost Mac and Linux support, have changed the UI to something people don't like. They've also required you to use an Epic account, even if you're still playing on Steam. They have also removed the crate/keys system and replaced it with a generic FOMO rotating item shop a la Fortnite. Not to mention that within hours of Rocket League moving to Epic Online Services, the game essentially didn't work at all. They also had to bribe people with a $10 coupon to claim (not even install) a popular free to play game.
1.5) Speaking of Epic Online Services, it turns out that it's really, terribly badly designed, and any game using it as a backbone can be taken apart pretty easily
2) Like every other "feature" they rush out and barely works, the mod support they've added is in beta, and only works with one game right now.
3) Similar to Mods, they've also released a wishlist for their store, almost a year and a half after launch, but for some reason has a completely arbitary 50 item limit
4) They've also added achievements, but as is tradition for Epic they are implemented in such a bad way that you can only look at your achievements while in game using a keyboard shortcut. What's even funnier is that it took Epic longer to add achievements in 2019/2020 than it did Steam over a decade ago. I guess the technology just isn't there yet?
5) Still no shopping cart, community forums, reviews, profiles, universal chat and many other features consumers expect as basic features in 2020
6) Two years into their store and the stability of the store/client goes to shit for everyone randomly, and especially when a Fortnite event is happening, preventing paying customers from accessing the products they own
7) Their launcher is randomly causing certain Ryzen CPUs to idle about 20C higher than normal if you just have the launcher open. Epic has since clarified it's a "bug" and a fix is on the way
8) The amount of games Epic is nabbing as exclusives is dropping hard. Is it because the studios don't see it as beneficial? Or is it because Epic is realizing that continuing to bleed money for games no one is buying probably isn't smart to do for two years straight? Maybe it's both
9) Fall Guys alone has earned more in revenue for the devs alone in 22 days what Epic has earned from 130+ games combined in a year, even with Epic's smaller cut. Proving once again that a lower revenue cut doesn't mean anything if no one buys your products anymore
10) Tim Sweeney, everyone's favorite manchild, continues to spend most of his days arguing with people on Twitter. He also still talks mad shit about the platform even though he's supposedly trying to "save it". Maybe it has something to do with Sony giving them $250 million. I suggest following him on Twitter because he makes a fool of himself constantly. Call him out on some BS and you might have the pleasure of him blocking you from hurting his feelings with the truth, like how the PS5 Unreal demo on PS5 runs better on PC at the same specs/resolution
11) As an adendum to 10, Timmy loves using the official Epic Games Store Twitter account to constantly remind people that they broke broke Apple's "unfair" rules and took them to court when Apple punished them for breaking contract. Currently the lawsuit is pending trial, but so far Epic has been bent over a barrel and spanked by the judges. He has made comments saying his fight with Apple is similar to civil rights, has copied Apple's 1984 commercial, has made a skin in game mocking Tim Cook, and even sent influencers merch to keep their "#freefortnite" trending. This is a long topic, and I suggest watching Hoeg Law's playlist on the matter. It's long, but goes into extreme detail on why Epic's lawsuit is nothing more than tantrum FUD. Apple has since lowered their revenue cut to 15% for apps that make under $1m in revenue a year, which applies to well over 90% of app makers. Naturally, Tim Sweeney is not happy because it was never actually about the cut for smaller devs, he wanted the cut lowered for himself for more money
12) Fortnite has added both an optional subscription to the game on top of a system where you can get rewards for getting friends who've stopped playing to play more. This is all happening while Fortnite is losing revenue month after month, year after year
13) while not closely related to Epic, Tim is still friends with Randy Pitchford, a guy who used a social/racial issue in George Floyd's death to advertise a game about killing pigs (cops), and who’s company recently published a game called Godfall as an Epic exclusive (and the game is pretty terrible too). Randy is notorious in the Epic community, when early on in the launcher he made snide "promises" that Steam would be a dying store in 5 to 10 years, and who said that by the time BL3 launched on Epic, the client would be feature complete (SOURCE NEEDED)
14) Epic Games is still extremely bad at paying pros and creators their earnings due to "payment issues"
15) Probably in order to continue boosting "monthly active users" (The only stat Epic ever gives, as if its important when those users aren't spending money), Epic Games has added Spotify to the client for download.
16) unlike the first year, where Epic released their revenue numbers, top selling games, and other information with tons of doublespeak to hide their horrible performance (The average account spent a little over $2 for the entire year); they have not released 2020 numbers yet.
17) As posted in the previous year roundup's number 14, Epic Games Store still has an issue with Ubisoft games, where if you buy a Ubi game on EGS, and then install it, it will launch Uplay and install the game a 2nd time

If you have anything to add, please let me know and I'll update this post once I wake up.
submitted by CottonCandyShork to fuckepic [link] [comments]

This Week at Bungie - 11/5/2020

This week at Bungie, we’re beginning our descent to Europa.
Every release, we have a long conversation about what we should show players leading up to launch, and what we should leave for players to discover. We want to build up the sense of wonder as a new Season or expansion makes its approach without spoiling everything that’s coming. With just a week to go before launch, we’ve almost reached our destination.
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Our Beyond Light Launch Trailer went live last week. A ViDoc, exploring Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt, is available for your viewing pleasure. We’ve released our Season of the Hunt calendar to help you plan out your days for the next few months.
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All that’s left is a quick preview of patch notes and a maintenance timeline. After that, we leave the rest to you.

It’s All in the Patch

Over the last few weeks, our goals have been to set expectations. We’ve covered the Destiny Content Vault, upcoming Sandbox changes, Gambit tuning, and more. These updates aren’t mind-blowing or overly game changing, they’re just nice little morsels to chew on in the final days leading up to launch. In any case, we hope you like the following quality of life appetizers before your meal is delivered on November 10.
Beginning November 10, two new kiosks will be available in the Tower. First up, the Quest Archive will be found next to the Postmaster. Our hope is that this removes some of the confusion when trying to track down the odd quest that you previously discarded. Additionally, this will be the place for any veteran players to pick up the New Light Quest on November 10, if they have a strong desire to experience new player tutorials and the (re-)introduction to the Cosmodrome.
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Next up, the Monument to Lost Lights Exotic Archive will be found by the Vault. Here, players may acquire various Exotics and Legendary Pinnacle/Pursuit weapons that were once available through now-retired quests. As many of these Exotics were tied to lengthy quests or difficult objectives, we wanted to make sure their prices reflected those previous efforts. Players will need an amount of Glimmer, destination materials, masterworking materials, and an Exotic Cipher or Ascendant Shard in order to purchase the Exotic or Legendary which they desire. We’re also introducing a currency, Spoils of Conquest, which can only be acquired when completing raids. This currency will be required for Exotics previously tied to Vaulted raids.
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In the past, Exotic Ciphers were very limited in nature. While you can expect one to be available as part of the Season Pass, Xur will also offer a quest to earn one Exotic Cipher on a weekly cadence.
Now, let's move on to some traditional patch notes...
  • Trials of Osiris
    • Trials of Osiris Power level requirement increased to 1210.
    • Added ADEPT weapons and weapon mods to Flawless chest rewards.
    • Additional information here (link TWAB).
  • Maps
    • Added physics blockers to some out-of-bounds areas on Altar of Flame.
    • Added physics blockers to some out-of-bounds areas on Exodus Blue.
    • Added physics blockers to some out-of-bounds areas on Cauldron.
Player Identity
  • Login screens now have a dark background.
  • Updated the full-screen menus to have a dark background style.
  • Player waypoints now display Season Rank, HUD waypoints.
  • Added toggle functionality to the character screen, allowing the player to make a choice between Light and Dark subclasses.
    • Character screen visuals updated depending on player choice between Light and Dark.
Character Creation
  • Changed selection from "Male" & "Female" to "Masculine" & "Feminine."
  • Guardian head and hair models have been replaced with improved versions.
    • Several color swatches have been changed to better represent the applied color.
    • Player’s previous head selections are still used.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented online friends from showing up in the roster on Stadia for players with more than 100 friends.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented players from earning progress on bounties when joining an activity in progress.
  • This most notably impacted Iron Banner bounties and could cause players to have their Artifact Power bonus enabled during Iron Banner matches.
A few Sandbox changes that we missed in our Sandbox preview
  • Traveler's Chosen
    • Reduced muzzle flash intensity.
  • Point of the Stag
    • Increased Point of the Stag's Max Power Level to 1310.
  • Divinity
    • Fixed a bug that prevented some weapons from dealing precision damage to the Divinity cage (e.g. Eriana's Vow).
  • Hunter Dodge
    • Increased Hunter's Dodge cooldown by a few seconds.
    • (E.g. Tier 4, old cooldown: 22 sec. New cooldown: 26 sec.)
  • Anti-Champion Mods
    • Anti-barrier rounds will now penetrate Taken Phalanx shields.
    • All Anti-Champion mods have been shifted to armor, rather than taking a weapon mod slot.
  • Orbs of Light have been changed to Orbs of Power as they can now be consumed by Light and Dark subclasses.
Before we end our patch note preview, we do want to call out the collectors among you who have been talking about the impending removal of Expired Ramen Coupons from your inventories. We know this one stings a bit. It’s a byproduct of us cleaning up inventory systems and doing general maintenance.
We want to a provide a parting gift before these coupons are tossed into the bin. These coupons can’t be redeemed for spicy ramen, but they can decorate your desktop for as long as you desire.
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…and there we have it. Full patch notes will be released on Tuesday around launch time. Stay tuned!


With a new expansion coming next week, we also have a fresh update coming to Bungie Store! We’re entering the holiday season, so it’s a pretty good time to start gift shopping for your favorite Guardians out there in the world.
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Starting November 9, upgrade your arsenal of collectibles and gifts at Bungie Store with new exclusive products and free in-game emblems with purchase, including the Destiny 2: Beyond Light Original Soundtrack!
Cosmic Alignment (Available November 9 through December 4, 2020)
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Between Stars (Available November 9 through February 9, 2021)
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Shattered Harmony (Available November 9 with purchase of Destiny 2: Beyond Light Original Soundtrack)
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Follow @BungieStore on Twitter for more deals and discounts to be announced every Friday in Novembrrrr from The Drifter, The Exo Stranger and Variks.

Let’s Talk Maintenance and Pre-Loads

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Next Monday, November 9, Destiny 2 will go offline for an extended maintenance period. We want to give everyone ample time to download Destiny 2 Update 3.0.0. Our teams are prepping for the launch day assault on our servers. Destiny Player Support has the full timeline for maintenance, downloads, and more. Read up, spread the word, and get ready for Beyond Light.
This is their report.
Next Monday, maintenance for Update will begin. Below is a timeline of events:
  • November 9, 3:30 PM PST (2330 UTC): Background maintenance for Update will begin.
  • November 9, 4:00 PM PST (0000 UTC): In preparation for downtime, players will be removed from activities and will be required to download a small update before logging in again.
  • November 9, 6:50 PM PST (0250 UTC): Sign-on for Destiny 2 will be disabled.
  • November 9, 7:00 PM PST (0300 UTC): Destiny 2 will be brought offline for expected maintenance. Players will be removed from activities and won't be able to log back into Destiny 2 until 9 AM PST on November 10.
  • November 10, 9:00 AM PST (1700 UTC): Destiny 2 Update will be available across all platforms and regions. Players will be able to log back into Destiny 2.
  • November 10 12:00 PM PDT (2000 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.
For more information, please visit our Destiny Server and Update Status help article.
Pre-load for Update will be available prior to the game’s release. Below are pre-load timelines and instructions based on platform:
Beginning on November 8 after 8 PM PST (0400 UTC), users can start pre-downloading Update by:
  • Navigating to Destiny 2
  • Pressing the “Options” button
  • And selecting “Check for Updates”
In an effort to decrease server load, some PlayStation Plus users may be able to pre-download Update starting on November 7 after 8 PM PST (0400 UTC) if they have auto update/download enabled on their PlayStation 4. For instructions on how to setup auto update/download, please click here.
Pre-load for Xbox will be available shortly after Destiny 2 is taken offline for expected maintenance at 7 PM PST (0300 UTC) on November 9. For instructions on how to setup auto update, please click here.
Pre-load for PC will be available shortly after Destiny 2 is taken offline for expected maintenance at 7 PM PST (0300 UTC) on November 9. Update should automatically be put in the Steam download queue once it is available to pre-load. For more information on managing Steam downloads and updates, please click here.
Below are the updated storage requirements for Beyond Light:
Platform |Destiny 2 Install Size |Storage Space Needed for Installation | |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| Xbox Series X|S|65.7 GB|65.7GB| PlayStation 5|70.78 GB|70.78 GB| PlayStation 4|70.78 GB|171.68 GB| Xbox One|65.7 GB|65.7 GB| PC|69.7 GB |186.2 GB** |
** PlayStation 4: Includes current installed version of Destiny 2 (100.9 GB) + Update pre-load (70.78 GB) = 171.68 GB*
*** PC: Destiny 2 Install Size may vary based on languages installed, size shown is maximum size possible *
** PC: Includes current installed version of Destiny 2 (up to 116.5 GB) + Update pre-load (up to 69.7 GB) = 186.2 GB*
With the start of Year 4 and the introduction of the Destiny Content Vault on November 10, certain items will be deprecated from player inventories that correspond with Vaulted destinations, activities, and campaigns.
Players should review our help articles on items being deprecated at the start of Year 4 and items being removed at the end of Season of Arrivals for more information on items, quests, and currencies that will be removed from player inventories at the start of Year 4. Some items listed can be used or turned in for rewards, such as Glimmer, weapons, and armor, so be sure to do that before November 10.
Additionally, certain Titles will become Legacy Seals and unavailable to earn at the start of Year 4. Players should be sure to equip the following Titles before November 9 at 7 PM PST (0300 UTC), after which they will be unavailable to earn. For more information, please visit our Year 4 Triumphs Update help article.
Seal |Title | |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| A Shadow Rises|Shadow| Reckoner|Reckoner| Black Armory|Blacksmith| Destinations|Wayfarer| Lore|Chronicler| Undying|Undying| Dawn|Savior| Almighty|Almighty| Arrivals|Forerunner| Moments of Triumph 2020|MMXX|
With the release of Beyond Light on November 10, certain Bungie Rewards will no longer be available to earn. These include the ‘Eclipse Sunset’ and ‘Sunset’ emblems, the Year of Shadowkeep Artifact Coins, the Moments of Triumph t-shirt, the Raid Ring, the Prophecy Dungeon Hoodie, the MMXX Seal, and the Forerunner Seal.
Players should be sure to earn these rewards by November 9 at 7 PM PST (0300 UTC) and claim these rewards from the Bungie Rewards page before November 13 at 8 AM PST (1600 UTC).


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Before we kick off a new year of Destiny content, we have a final round for Movie of the Week. 2020 isn’t over yet, but we’ve had a blast watching community-created content throughout Shadowkeep and its associated Seasons. Many thanks to those who’ve submitted their footage (and art!), as it’s kept us sane week over week.
Here are your final Movie of the Week selections before Beyond Light brings some Darkness to the table.
Movie of the Week: Thanks, Taken!
Video Link
Movie of the Week: Festival of the Lost, Parting Shot
Video Link
Movie of the Week: Give ‘em a hand
Video Link
Movie of the Week: SEVENTH COLUMN!!! ...AND ANOTHER ONE!
Video Link
Movie of the Week: It isn’t over until it’s over
OMG can someone explain this please?!?! Like wtf just happened🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ @A_dmg04 @Gladd @BungieHelp @Xbox
— TG DuAc (@TGDuAc1) November 2, 2020
Next week, we’ll have a new companion section for Movie of the Week. We felt it important to give the same spotlight to the artists of our community as we’ve been giving to those who create fun videos.
To throw your hat in the ring, submit your content to the Community Creations portal on If you also post your content to social media, tag it with #DestinyMOTW or #DestinyArt. We’ll snag a few winners each week and grant them some fancy new emblems.
We’ve been here a few times. What was once months became weeks. Weeks have become mere days. Five more sleeps stand between you and Beyond Light. Well, that’s if you can even sleep the night before launch. I know I probably won’t. Many of you have been on this journey with us from the start. In the last year, numerous Guardians have begun their journey through New Light. No matter how long you’ve been a Guardian, we can’t thank you enough for playing.
Stay hydrated. Be healthy. Treat yourself well.
We’re almost there.
See you starside.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

ffxiv unable to patch files [30413][25008][20495]

Thought i'd get an easy answer from square-enix themselves signing up to their forums but even though i've been a part off FFXIV since 1.0 of ffxiv, apparently not good enough and need to wait 14 days to officially post on their forums. :/ thanks square-enix, just want to play the game guys, almost like you hate your playerbase some how.
My issue is the above in the title, i've un-installed the launcher. Re-installed the launcher.
I've made the files in my documents not "read only"I've disabled my anti-virus and my firewall
I've made sure every application in every folder FFXIV has it's name on it completely ticked with Run as administration.
I've tried to run steam in offline mode, won't allow you while the launcher is active.
I've deleted some 4e93 folder or something some reddit post said and then reboot the launcher.
I've done a bunch of things in the few hours being persistent and ready to game.
Nothing seems to work and i can't ask the people that actually make the game for help for fourteen days, seeing as i've just paid for game-time and these issues are frustrating and no official dev help. Kinda not wanting to return and just want a refund at this point. Done a few youtube known issues help videos as well and none of them have helped. All i'm seeing at this point are people saying "thankyou this worked" and yet none of them have helped me, do you guys have any idea what the hell i need to do just to download the first five minutes of files? The weirdest thing is i've downloaded the game a few times in the past with no issues, i was just playing it back in july of last year for a month before i deleted it, had no problems installing.
please help!
EDIT: I've now ran my VPN Exitlag while launcher is running and patching and still running into the same issue.
EDIT2: So i changed my DNS settings to / ALT DNS and i seem to have at this point gotten over the 1g percent in the update. If people are having problems try this. This is a really bonkers and stupid problem, same computer and location i've played this on before this problem. I've noticed it's an on-going problem with the launcher since 2014-15. Since Square don't like people talking to them for a stupid amount of time, or seem to have addressed this issue i guess can't get really be surprised they'll ever fix this issue. Like the lost tale of aussie servers.
submitted by Outrageous-Thing1792 to ffxiv [link] [comments]

Stadia vs xcloud / game pass ultimate vs ps now / remote play vs Luna

Hello Stadians,
First post here. I joined the cult not long ago after extensive research and since my post on red flag deals about Stadia has gained much traction, I decided to post it here for future Stadians or people who might be interested. Information is spread out across many sources, so I am trying to bring all current cloud services together into one giant post. If you want to spread the message to people who are on the fence, please use this post as you like, you are free to share this. Please correct me if I got anything wrong since I am still new to the game. Here goes :
PART #1 :
Stadia is still very new to a lot of people but have gained quite a bit of attention recently due to Google freely handing out hardware. However, it is still largely misunderstood.
Unlike what many people think there it's either one or the other, Stadia is so versatile that it can complement anything (ps5, xbox, pc, mobile gaming). It doesn't have to be one or the other. You can sub, or you can just buy a game and play it whenever and wherever you want as long as you have a stable Internet connection.
The most important thing is to test it out for FREE. Go on your chrome browser, log in with your gmail account, and click on Destiny 2. No downloads, no load times, no patches, no wait times, no hidden fees, no hardware requirements, just play it for free indefinitely on any toaster computer you are running as long as you have a stable connection.
Like it ? Then don't be afraid to buy some games during their sales if they are cheaper on Stadia than other platforms. You will be able to play is as long as you have an stable Internet connection.
Don't listen to people who says Stadia is going away like some of Google's retired products. If anything, it's expanding and the future of gaming is streaming. Say goodbye to overpriced hardwares that expire or games that don't run properly on newer hardwares. Say goodbye to having to buy the same game on xbox, pc, mobile. Say goodbye to load times, storage limits, hardware problems like the ps4 pro making absurb noise.
Don't listen to people wo says Stadia has awful lag - they either have a bad connection or only tested Stadia at launch. With a good reliable connection with at least 35mbps download, there is absolutely no way the input lag will bother you unless you do competitive gaming. Everyone has their own experience with Stadia and best is to try it out yourself and not listen to people - it's free anyway with zero hurdles.
Don't listen to people claiming Stadia has a very limited library. Stadia launched roughly 1 year ago compared to xbox / steam / ps who have been there for ages. Obviously, you won't have the same library. Stadia is about to lock in 400+ games this year alone and more to come. Library size shouldn't matter since you do not have to pay or commit to anything. If you don't like what Stadia has to offer right now, just set it aside - you aren't losing out or anything. Your hardware is not going to expire, you aren't paying a dime to have a Stadia account, you have zero commitment necessary.
I hope this sums up the debate and why everyone should at least give Stadia a chance and try it out on your browser right now and experience the future of gaming. Zero commitment needed.

PART #2 : This is the part where I try to summarize each available streaming service and compare it to Stadia as of today.
PS Remote Play, which has pretty much been given up by Sony because they want to focus on PS5 hardware, is basically a service that allows you to connect to your own hardware to play games you own on your PS4 / PS5. You have the same limitations than your current hardware. Therefore, if your game only runs on 30FPS on PS4, it will only run 30FPS remotely. Your hardware will also eventually expire as new games get developed that require more juice. Last time I checked, remote play on PS4 Pro is capped at 720p. Since the connection has to jump through 2 loops (from your PS to Internet, and from the Internet back to your device), you will definitely feel a latency while streaming your games. Stadia is running off of a dedicated hardware and servers straight to the device you're streaming on, while the PS4/5 remote play has no server and uses your hardware.
PS Now is a service you need to pay either 12.99$ CAD a month or commit to $79.99 CAD for a whole year (20% off during BF sale, good value). It has its own dedicated servers so latency should be better. However, as of now, games are still being streamed at 720p only, and hopefully 1080p soon. A plus side is the access to a bigger library, potentially bigger than what xbox game pass ultimate has to offer. You can also download PS4/5 games to play offline unlike Stadia where a stable connection is required at all times. However, you need an online check every 7 days and the offline service only works on your PS4/5 hardware. if you use this service, some games can leave the platform on a rotation basis (about 10 out of 800 games available) and you don't own any games unless you buy them on the PS store. If your subscription expires, you'll lose access to the downloaded games and any DLC associated with it. As noted by redditors here, you do get plenty of time to finish the game and a notice ahead of time before rotation begins.
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate cost 16.99$ CAD a month and provides the best library of games on a rotation basis, and is now combined with xbox gold meaning you can claim free games every month that you can keep as long as you are subbed, like Stadia Pro. The game selection is arguably better than PS Now, and is much more varied than Stadia. The biggest downside is that Game Pass Ultimate only offers 720p streaming as of now and I have noticed many more players reporting latency issues with Game Pass compared to Stadia. Just like PS now, Game Pass Ultimate is like a rental service where you don't get to keep any games unless you keep paying a fee. The difference with Stadia is that your money is exchanged for games you can keep with regular Stadia. You keep the games you bought and they do offer some free to play games like Destiny 2 and more to come eventually. However, free version of Stadia is capped at 1080p 60fps with stereo sound.
Geforce Now from Nvidia costs 6.49$ CAD a month to play, or offered free but you are limited to 1-hour sessions only, which is quite stressful in my opinion. It basically uses your steam games library and allows you to stream them using their cloud servers. If you have a big library of steam games, I can see a good reason to use Geforce Now. However, their cloud servers are much much smaller than Google (obviously). For new games, you have to wait for them to become available on the service if the game requires different specs, since Nvidia has to make Steam games compatible with their service first. Due to their small servers, 2 years after their launch, they have yet announced support for 4k streaming and yet to have their own exclusives. This is only a good option if you have a huge amount of steam games and want to access those games outside of your PC.
Luna offers game streaming for 7.99$ CAD (note that this is their entry price, and I will guarantee you this price will get a bump once their service is more widely known) . They have a bigger game library than Stadia but a lot of players claim that their games aren't as quality (filled with indie games and less AAA titles). However, Stadia has much better latency because Amazon servers are more tailored towards enterprise usage rather than customer. Another downside to Luna is that it doesn't offer a free service compared to Stadia, but time will tell.
To me, the main selling point for Stadia is this : no commitment required.
With other services, you either have to pay to use their service or buy their hardware, or both. A paywall is the highest obstacle to a new user base and Google knows that. No other services would allow you to create a free account, go on your chrome browser, and play Destiny 2 (other free games will be announced soon) right away without any hardware check. You can play Destiny 2 on a toaster computer, a TV with a Chromecast Ultra dongle and all you need is keyboard + mouse, or any controller you can find. Stadia can accommodate those with little to no interest to build a 1,000 $ CAD PC to keep up with current games (to eventually expire and have to upgrade again) and Stadia doesn't require you to buy consoles, have console hardwares expire, compatibility issues with previous games, update games, run out of storage room.
All you need to ask yourself is : do you want to play this game or not ?
You are not pressured to finish a game before it rotates out.
You are not forced to pay to play - you buy and own.
You don't have to think about compatibility issues nor hardware issues.
If Stadia manages to secure more AAA and exclusive titles, they will be an even more fearful competitor to other game streaming services.
Cloud gaming is still very young but it is the future. We don't know when it will happen, but one day, it will be the Netflix of gaming.

2020-11-26 EDIT : Thank you so much for all the feedback guys, I stand corrected on many points you guys put forward and I appreciate the time you put to read through my wall of text.
EDIT 2 : Updated PS Now to include 10 games out of 800 that gets rotated out and library size potentially bigger than xbox's.
EDIT 3 : correction on stadia servers vs amazon luna's
submitted by valcyclovir to Stadia [link] [comments]

The Definitive Quest Piracy Guide

The Definitive Quest Piracy Guide
So you wanna sail the seven seas of virtual reality?

Last Edited: 15/01/2021

In my continued attempts to quiet the spam of people begging for the quest game links, I've written up a guide towards obtaining it yourself instead of spamming threads asking for it on this subreddit.
^ I think i've accomplished this mission now :]
This guide shows you how to download and sideload pirated games on the Oculus Quest 1/Q2 as well as the best place to find pirated games for PCVR headsets or Quests connected through Oculus Link or any other wireless streaming solution.
Just to reiterate and stress this, DO NOT PUBLICLY POST LINKS TO PIRACY DOWNLOADS. BY DOING THIS YOU ARE RISKING THE SUBREDDIT AND ENTIRE PIRACY MIRRORS TO BE DELETED. I'm thankfully able to circumvent these rules by not providing *direct* links to downloads, but just pointing people to where they can access these downloads by themselves :)
I am not affiliated with any of the hosts of these links. Just someone in the community who knows the ins and outs trying to point noobies in the right direction and to (hopefully) slow down the subreddit becoming nothing but a cesspit of people asking the same question over and over. This also means don't come to me for help, I don't run any of this stuff. Either leave your problem in the comments for help or ask the Discord.
QUEST 2 USERS: Not all Quest 1 games currently work with the Quest 2, please take a look at this spreadsheet before installing any games.
if you're here looking for a cracked version of Virtual Desktop, there isn't one. VD is uncrackable as far as I know. If you want a PCVR streamer for Quest, here is a free alternative.

As it stands right now, you won't be banned for pirating games. As of right now, Facebook has never issued any form of punishment to anyone for piracy.
If you feel weary when it comes to pirating games, you can take some precautions just to be safe.
"LVL 0: Do nothing, play cracked games online and offline
LVL 1: Play cracked games only when your wifi is turned off (still not safer since oculus sends logs)
LVL 2: Spoof games as random packagenames and only play with wifi off (safer, but still not 100% safe)
LVL 3: Play with wifi on but block all oculus and facebook domains through pihole or your router (even safer, still SOME game developers will see your ip trying to connect to their servers, using a fake dns does work)
LVL 4: Block quest external access to internet from your routepihole (only allowing stuff vd and file transfer between devices on LAN)"
- Zale Anderson, VRP Discord


Oculus ADB Drivers
An Oculus developer account with the Quest in developer mode (Tutorial)
EDIT: I've heard about recently that you now need a Credit Card to get a developer account for verification purposes. I don't know any way around this so I apologise if you can't make a developer account for this.
A Telegram Account (requires phone number, if you don't have one that's on you)
EDIT: you can use various websites that provide free phone numbers online, namely TextNow (US only but VPNs work) and FreePhoneNum. thanks to u/FlowV4 on this post for reminding me that these apps existed lol

Any device capable of sideloading to an Oculus Quest/Quest 2 (this guide will be directed to Windows 10 users as that's the main use case here, if you use something else then I think there are downloads on the Telegram for other operating systems. Keep reading to know how to get to the Telegram)
A USB Type C cable routing from your PC to the quest (to sideload games to the headset)
A Discord Account (NOT A BRAND NEW ACCOUNT: using a new account will get you instantly banned from the VRP Discord. This is a measure to prevent raiding/bots. I do not know how old your account has to be to join and I apologise for being unable to figure it out. I'd give it 14-30 days maybe.)

Step 1: Join the VRP Discord server. The invite link is a PINNED POST on this subreddit. When in the Discord server, head over to the #rules channel, read the rules and react to the bottom message to gain access to the rest of the server
you may use the #vrp-updates channel in the server to be notified when new games are added or games are updated on the download mirrors.
Step 2: Go to the #faq channel, scroll to the top and JOIN THE TELEGRAM (Telegram link is underneath " How to sideload with AndroidSideloader: " section. You'll have to download the Telegram application on your PC and make an account to get into the VRP Telegram.
Step 3: If you needed to download Telegram, revisit the Telegram link in the VRP Discord and using your account you just made/logged into, join the VRP Telegram chat. At the top of the Telegram interface you should be able to access the pinned message.

So at this point there are multiple methods here for quest piracy. I'm going to go through them here.

On the Telegram's pinned message is an exe file for the Rookie's Sideloader VRP Edition installer. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND USING THIS TO PIRATE GAMES. It's a simple application that when downloaded and installed (IF WINDOWS/YOUR BROWSER SAYS IT'S A VIRUS, THIS IS A FALSE POSITIVE AND MEANS YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR VIRUS DATABASES TO STOP IT FROM APPEARING OR JUST ADD IT TO YOUR EXCEPTIONS.) and when launched, you can connect your quest to your PC, Select from a huge drop down menu of games and easily, with a couple of clicks, automagically download and sideload games to your quest.
If you get Rookie's Sideloader VRP and are prompted with an update on launch, accept the update and it'll be downloaded and launched on your PC. Games on the list are automatically added and updated at the rate they're cracked by the pirates.

On the pinned messages list, find the rclone browser part and click the link corresponding to the operating system you're on and (for Windows) you'll be redirected to a message containing a RAR file. Download that file, extract it and run RcloneBrowser.exe. You'll then be presented with 2 or 3 VRP mirrors, double click one of them and you'll be able to access and download APKs and OBBs under the Quest Games folder for manual sideloading, if thats your thing.
If the UI for rclone browser is confusing to you, refer to this short tutorial video. (when the game you chose is showing as running, wait until it says finished before sideloading)
all info regarding WWS can be found here. includes download and installation guide
To manually sideload, use sidequest or rookies sideloader to access the quests file system and drag the "" folder to the directory Android/obb then sideload the apk using the sideloading method of your choice.
Not all games need obb files so they won't come with them.
To access sideloaded applications, go to your Quest's library screen, on the top right select the drop down menu that says "All", scroll down and select Unknown Sources. From there you can access your sideloaded games and apps

To update your pirated Quest games, while keeping the current version of the game installed, download and sideload the new version of the game using your preferred method and your save data should stay intact with the new update installed
rclone browser also provides downloads for other tools and options regarding your Quest and games. This includes:
App launchers spoofed as legit apps that can be launched from your regular library screen, eliminating the need to go to unknown sources
Method(s) to disable Telemetry tracking
Alternate sideloading methods such as older versions of sidequest that allow blacklisted apks, total commander for local sideloading and rookies sideloader vrp edition.
All the old Quest firmware versions and methods to downgrade
Previous versions of games
DLC for games
Modded/maxed out save files for games
Rclone browser also provides downloads for GearVR and PCVR games.
The GearVR games should sideload fine onto a Quest but there is no guarantee that they will fully function. However I don't know how to play GearVR games on a PC using a PCVR headset
To play pirated PCVR games, download one using any of the rclone mirrors. Some may be packaged into repacked installers to make downloads smaller, so follow any instructions that are (hopefully) provided alongside the repack files.
In my experience, the easiest way to run these games is through SteamVR, being only a Quest owner i've found running games through the Oculus PC app with Link very unreliable due to their software just being a MASSIVE processing power hog so only use Oculus Link if you have no other way or you think your PC is beefy enough for it. More on this a little bit down the line.
So, if you're on an Oculus headset (Quest with Link^, Rift) enable unknown sources in the settings for the Oculus PC software so you can run SteamVR.
Find the executable (.exe) for the game you've just downloaded and installed/extracted (you may have to look around in the game directory depending on what game) and add it as a Non-Steam game shortcut within Steam.
Then go to properties for the shortcut you have just created within Steam and enable "Include in VR Library"
Then when running SteamVR on launch you'll be presented with your VR library where your shortcuts should appear and you can just launch the games from there and enjoy.
^If you do Quest PCVR exclusively on Virtual Desktop, you do not need the Oculus software at all (correct me if i'm wrong)

Here i'm just gonna dump a few things that have enhanced my PCVR experience on a Quest over time in hopes that it'll help out others.
I play games on a budget ass rig (i5-4590s, 8gb ram, gtx 1650) so running the Oculus app and playing with Oculus Link is a MASSIVE MASSIVE hit on performance in games.
So if you're able to, use Virtual Desktop instead of Oculus Link as long as you've got a nice connection (preferrably ethernet) and at the cost of a bit of pixelation in display or some higher latency, you will run games WAAAY smoother. I am incredibly below spec for Half-Life: Alyx but by running it with Virtual Desktop and not the Oculus app bloating up my CPU power it sat at more than playable fps (50-72fps) for me at all times on low fidelity.
Along with that, close anything else you have running in the background like any web browser or Discord.
Sure VD is $25/£20, but its worth it not only for the experience improvements but for supporting the developer because this guy is doing a better job than Facebook when it comes to this stuff.

This post will be updated for general improvements (i suck at writing guides) and if any changes come along to the process.
I hope this helps those who want to try before they buy or the many clueless people who just want free games on their shiny new VR headsets.
But remember, please support developers and their work by buying their games on legit marketplaces, maybe wait for a sale or something and buy their games if you enjoy them. They absolutely slave away to bring us these incredible experiences and we are responsible for making sure they can afford a tin of sardines to ration for the week and maybe buy more models off the asset store for their next game
I know this is coming from the redditor who just taught you how to pirate every single VR game but i still like to support developers by buying their games if i enjoy them and it goes way further than you think when you buy a game.
Except for Bethesda and Rockstar, please pirate their games to your hearts content as they are shitty companies releasing low effort VR ports for a quick buck from the small but growing amount of VR enthusiasts and gamers.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!
submitted by imlife1102 to QuestPiracy [link] [comments]

I am an Xbox player. Should I ascend? Please read

I mainly use my Xbox when my friends come over, to play local coop games, like Borderlands 3 or Rocket league. (Both online and offline)
My dad also uses the same Xbox to play Forza and other racing simulation games.
Should I switch to pc? My main concerns are:
1) When playing local coop, how does my friend sign in with his profile? If the game is run within my pc account, I guess all game progress is tied to my account so how can a second person join the same game with a different account, on the same pc? The Xbox asks "who are you" to each connected controller, but does the pc do that?
2) is game progress tied to my Xbox account when I play on Windows, even if the game is downloaded from Epic or Steam?
3) will my dad be able to view my game library from his account or do I have to give him the password for my account?
Also feel free to add any suggestions
submitted by waytoofrozen to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

can you play games downloaded from steam offline video

This also means that you can’t play games that requires internet to work like online multiplayer. Some games will continue working even when Steam is on Offline Mode. You must make sure though ... You cannot install a Steam game offline. It needs to connect to the Steam servers the very first time to confirm you own the game. If you do not want to redownload the game, go online, click install, let it go as far as where it starts downloading, close Steam completely and copy the files from the SteamApps folder on another machine, then launch ... Click the “Start in Offline Mode” button and Steam will open with limited functionality. It’s not difficult to notice that its features have been greatly reduced. The store page won’t work and no downloads can be made. However, you can still open your library and play any game you have installed beforehand. Steam Offline Mode’s home screen Launch each game you want to play offline at least once. Often, when you start a game, it will need to perform a first-time setup process – this process must be performed while you’re online. When you’re ready to go offline, click the Steam menu and select Go Offline. Click the Restart in Offline Mode button and Steam will restart in offline mode – features like Steam’s server browser, friends, and achievements aren’t available offline. Steam will launch in offline mode each time ... Once a game is activated on a Steam account it can't be activated in another Steam account, it is locked to that Steam account. If you wish to install and play your games on a different computer then simply download Steam onto that computer, Login to your Steam account, then download the game. “Offline Mode allows you to play games through Steam without reconnecting to the Steam Network every time you wish to play – this is particularly useful if you do not plan on playing over the internet and would prefer not to download new updates for your single-player games. Maybe you are confusing Steam running offline and running a game without Steam at all. All games made for Steam require that the Steam client is running before the game will start. So, yes, when you start a game, the Steam cilent will run and will ask you to 'log in'. So click on log in just like always. Many Steam users do not know that it is possible to download and play Steam games simultaneously. This comes from the fact that downloads are automatically paused whenever a game is launched using the Steam client, and that there is no option in the Steam preferences to prevent game downloads from not being paused when you start a game. You can play Steam games offline as long as they're single-player or local multiplayer games and fully up-to-date. Here's how to use offline mode.

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