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Dead People With Something To Say 0.9: John Lennon

Who Are They

This instalment of Dead People With Something to Say is partially poignant due to its timeliness.
Today’s subject would have been 80 years old this very month and much of today’s post will be detailing the many reasons this man could not be with us here today.
You cannot not know him, of course ladies and gentleman I’m talking about possibly one of the dead people with the most to say, none other than Mr John “Winston Boogie” Lennon.

What did they say

John Winston Lennon was born on the 9th of October 1940 art Liverpool Maternity Hospital in the United Kingdom to a working class family. He spent the first five years of his life living with his maternal parents but in 1945, after his farther had dishonourably abandoned his military service, he began to live with his Aunty Mimi.
His time with Mimi would be the happiest of his childhood and whilst he got along with the local children he became to be known and the local trouble maker, the boy the other children’s parents warned them not to play with.
This didn’t stop John becoming popular with the people with his high-school drawings making it into the daily school paper “The Daily Howl”. Despite these glimmers of happiness at Aunt Mimi’s a tragic moment would go on to form the thematic basis for Lennon’s entire career.
On the 15th of July 1958 Julia Lennon, John’s mother, was struck by an oncoming off duty police car and passed away instantly.
John’s instant response to this tragic event was to sink into a denial fuelled raged that caused him to hit the bottle. He’d go on to be thrown out of the academic institutions in his life and was “cited” by his peers at the time as “being content to drift. By this time John’s group The Quarrymen were making waves in the local skiffle scene.
Skiffle can be defined as the wave of music in-between early 20th century American Blues and Folk music craze and Rock and Roll.
The first wave occurred in mid 1920’s and the craze spread through the Western World petering out by the late 50’s. What was unique about skiffle bands is that they performed using an array of rather… basic instruments shall we say.
Washboards, milk jugs, tea-chests, cigar boxes, bath tubs and combs were all used by skiffle groups across the ages to fill out the sound any way they could.
This improvisational attitude also manages to spread into the music and some of the early skiffle music is some of the most spirited this author has had ever pleasure of listening to.
It was at one of these early Quarrymen performances that John was introduced by one of his friends to a gentleman called Paul McCartney.
The two had been aware of one another prior to meeting and struck a chord right away with Lennon asking McCartney to join the Quarrymen and despite their guardians respective disapproval of the other the two got along famously and began to write original songs independently at first and then over time brought the other in to help accordingly.
This quickly led to a collaborative relationship that would go on span the next two decades. Paul would in turn invite the slightly younger George Harrison to the mix as the lead guitarist which allowed Paul and John to focus on songwriting and showmanship.
They went through a flurry of names after The Quarrymen but by 1960 they finally settled on The Beatles.
Their relative location fame had enabled them to book a 48 date tour in Hamburg but they were missing an essential part of the band, a drummer.
This led to them bringing in local drummer Pete Best as a last minute fill in.
Their stint in Hamburg acted as the first foray into adulthood whisking the boys away from small town Liverpool and emerging them in a world of nightlife, narcotics and lust.
That is to say they played all day and all night, took amphetamines to stay awake and slept with all the young ladies of the night they could. Due to George’s young age and their promiscuous behaviour the boys were sent home early by deportation all but John.
During this period John played with local German groups and returned home on his own without altering the others to his immediate arrival.
This was due to John’s emotions at the time.
His time in Hamburg had opened his eyes to the reality of the entertainment industry and its pitfalls and tendencies to promote sinful behaviour. He debated whether or not this life was for him.
As we all know John continued on with his efforts in the musical field but this brief moment of self awareness would speak multitudes about his attitude to come. By this time around 62-63 the Beatles had taken steps to move up the ladder of the British music industry.
During this period of time they had acquired a manager by the name of Brian Epstein and a new drummer by the name of Ringo Starr, lost a bass player by the name of Stuart Sutcliffe and Lennon and McCartney’s songwriting ability had come on leaps and bounds.
Starting out on the first couple of albums writing fairly simplistic pieces entirely from their imaginations, Johns work especially had began to take on a more self aware tone.
A song like “I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party” is hugely indicative of Lennon’s attitude at the time because of one is to ponder upon the lyrics one will see that whilst Lennon feels discontent regarding the actions of his peers at said party, he is still displaying typical British politeness by saying “I’d hate my disappointment to show”.
He is still uneasy when it comes to speaking his own truth that is to say.
By 1964 they had begun appearing in their own motion pictures which led to what we all now know as “Beatlemania”. This growing notion within Lennon would grow to become the entire emotional basis for his creative output in the latter half of the 60’s and early 70’s. Although it would not peak for another few years a stark change in Lennon’s creative tone comes with creation of the album “Help” in 1965.
It is probably worth at this juncture talking about the operations of the Beatles camp in their formative years and the background and relationship between each camp.

The key players, and by key players I am referring to individuals that have influence over what The Beatles was I. The eyes of the general public, are in 1965:
The upbringing and general temperament of these listed individuals would come to have a large impact on the latter stages of the Beatles career. To not mince words I am speaking about the moral and political climate of 1960’s Britain.
The Sputnik Crisis
All one must do if they want an overview of Britain’s place on the world stage prior to the 20th century is to read our post on Mr John Dee. But to put it simply, by establishing the Commonwealth around the globe over the centuries that comprised the second millennium, The British Empire established themselves as the main global superpower and it wasn’t until the westernisation of the Americas that this crown would be knocked so to speak.
A large portion of the UK’s national pride still lies upon the idea that we won World War 2, showed those Jerries who’s boss and resolidifed our place as the dominating force we had become known as but let’s take a look at the facts.
These listed points all contributed to what would become to be known as “The Sputnik Crisis”.
In short this crisis came from the general public in response to the 1957 launch of the Soviet satellite known as Sputnik. This was the first launch of its kind and had beaten the American efforts by nearly a year.
This led to a sort of national panic in the UK because news publications and national propaganda had led the masses to believe the UK were still the global power they once were prior the the wailed warfare. The problem being was that the war had taken its toll on the economy and this author is willing to bet that with the VE Day celebrations the British general public would have been incredibly disheartened after 6 years of intense rationing and banding together to make do and mend. The publicised “win” for the United Kingdom is till held in a position of intense pride to this day with annual “reenactment fairs” and “air shows” displaying the wears of our great triumph but it only takes a quick glance at modern culture to see that the global stage was much more influenced by the Germanic advancements that anything coming out of Royal Britannia.
It is this pomp that still exists to this day in the form of things like the Brexit debacle and thegrowing discontent in the British people and the growing minority populations that have gathered here since the advent of WW2.
So getting back to The Fab Four, there was a great divide happening amongst the young liberal minded people of the world and the old guard of conservative voters that resided in Britain’s more rural areas. Typically in Britain if you are working class you vote Labour and if you are middle or upper class you vote conservative.

Red or blue.
Left or right.
There are third party parties but non get taken seriously.

Splitting the key members of the Beatles camp into ideological groups allows one to notice some peculiar, not telling observations.
Splitting the key members of the Beatles camp into ideological groups allows one to notice some peculiar, quite telling observations.

This chart shows roughly where the important members of the Beatles operation sat ideologically, with obviously wiggle room here and there as nothing is this easily generalisable.

Left Middle Right
Lennon (see parental situation) Paul McCartney Bill McCartney
Harrison (passive in attitude) Ringo Starr George Martin
Brian Epstein (gay in 1960’s Britain Derek Taylor Geoff Emerick
Mal Evens
Bare this in mind it becomes importantly shortly.


So by 1965 the Beatles are a worldwide phenomenon and are filming their second film “Help”named after the Lennon composition that’d he’d penned earlier that year and in the same spirit as the songs listed earlier, Help carried on the theme of self-awareness with Lennon evenciting Help as the “first time I was consciously writing, and the first thing I said was Help! And I meant it”.
This humble cry for help was a stark difference to the tough macho bravado Lennon had become to be known for.
An example of this bravado would be at Paul McCartney’s 18th birthday where a good friend of the Beatles insinuated that due to Lennon’s closeness to Brian Epstein he must be a homosexual like Brian.
This led to Lennon brutally beating the man with a shovel with members of the party having to physically remove John from the fight.
We now turn our attention to the current public perceptions of John Lennon. On this website itself among many others this author has noticed an increasing opinion that despite his calls for “peace”, Lennon has become known as a sexist, abusive and angry man.
This is due in this authors opinion to:
Earlier I mentioned the influences of each Beatles respective spouse at any one time and being that “love” was the focus of a lot of their (and everyone else’s) compositions, being in a relationship with a Beatle meant you:
  1. Would be the subject of several songs.
  2. You will have an effect on their everyday headspace therefore affecting other compositions not entirely about them as an individual.
Cynthia Lennon was John’s first wife. They met at Art College whilst The Beatles were forming and the two were married by 62 and by 63 they’d had their first child Julian.
By all accounts Cynthia was a typical British gal who enjoyed art in a very reserved British kind of way akin to John’s sheepish early compositions. Paired with Paul’s girlfriend at the time, actress Jane Asher, the two couples ruled the British tabloids like peas in a pod.
It’s hearing all this jubilance that makes hearing about the cases of domestic abuse that have been levelled against Lennon all the more disheartening.
"It is a diary form of writing. All that 'I used to be cruel to my woman / I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved' was me. I used to be cruel to my woman, and physically – any woman. I was a hitter. I couldn't express myself and I hit. I fought men and I hit women. That is why I am always on about peace, you see. It is the most violent people who go for love and peace. Everything's the opposite.
Detailed in The Beatles song “Getting Better” from 66’s Sgt Pepper, Lennon indeed was known to become violent when intoxicated and let loose the pain he was holding probably dating back to the loss of his mother.
A subconscious love/hate relationship with women.
Not an excuse, simply an explanation.
Each infamous case of Lennon’s dark side will be chronicled here and hopefully by then end of this piece you may be able to find some empathy for the man.
It would be the culmination of these emotions that resulted in the first conscious song from Lennon in his own estimations, “Help”.
In Help, Lennon throws himself at the mercy of his peers by saying
“look I know I’ve been macho and hard to deal with in the past but please, right now, I need help”
The song can be seen as an admittance of guilt and a want for anybody around him to extend a helping hand.
Also transpiring around the release of Help was the groups developing interest in psychedelic substances all thanks to a Mr Zimmerman on their trips across the pond to the might USA.
This inclination for the herb led the outlooks of the Beatles to change somewhat.
Interviews from 65-66 are fairly lucid and relaxed in tone with the boys offsetting the monotonous questions from interviewers with abstract observations that tickled the crowds and rightly so.
Their new attitude could be seen on their next LP “Rubber Soul” which featured the 4 of them stood against a dark green hedge or bush, referencing their newfound love for all things green.
Rubber Soul also featured some of the most introspective songwriting, from Lennon especially, to date.
Girl, In My Life and Nowhere Man all talk brashly about Lennon’s opinions regarding the world around him holding no bars. They are songs that if one reads aloud with no musical backing, may find them quite harsh if not very emotionally real poems.
1965 also saw a new substance make its way into the Beatle world.
Lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD as it had come to be known was synthesised by a Swiss chemist called 1938. He accidentally consumed the substance when trying to come up with a new medicine using ergot.
The Beatles were first introduced to LSD by their dentist of all people. The event is well documented and led them to become very intrigued with the substance influencing their next LP Revolver substantially.
Lennon claimed in the 70’s that he dropped acid over 1000 times and this probably speaks for a large amount of his actions in the late 60’s.
By this time the boys had become poster boys for the “British Invasion”, which referred to the onslaught of British groups trying to “make” it overseas, and had become secondly bored with the British entertainment industry.
They needed away to continue their creative efforts without having to represent the clean cut image they had cultivated over the first half of the decade and on their last trip to the states as a foursome McCartney found a solution.
If they couldn’t be the Beatles anymore they’d just have to start a new band within the pre-existing one. They could develop brand new personas and not have to worry about the expectations of the public.
Quite a novel solution if you ask me.
This line of thinking led to the legendary “Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band” album being released in 1966, marketed as the bands departure from touring and transition into a “studio” band, Sgt Peppers still stands today as one of the most influential albums of all time and with good reason.
Its lyrical content is as poignant as ever with the band being incredible self referential as to their new found personas and Lennon acknowledging his personal downfalls on songs like “Getting Better” and “A Little Help From My Friends”.
It also was recorded at the same time as some of Lennon’s most psychedelic work such as “Strawberry Fields Forever” and “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” which despite the latter titled NOT being about LSD both featured abstract themes and taking a leaf out of Dylan’s book, nonsensical almost social meaningful statements like “living is easy with eyes closed” and “No one I think is In My Tree, I mean it must be High or Low”.
Peppers also marks the point where George Martin’s contributions to proceedings becomes clear. In this creative time where the boys were moving away from being a live band they were becoming more curious about musical theory.
This was Martin’s speciality, being classically trained so whenever Paul or John had an idea that was a little left of field they would consult George Martin and he would break it down how it would work in the context of their contemporary piece.
We have Mr Martin to thank for orchestral sections in songs like “A Day In The Life” and the traditional instrumentation on “When I’m Sixty Four”.
Undoubtedly this more traditional musical influence juxtaposed against Lennon and McCartney’s developing modern style would form what he know today as “The Beatles Sound” but it would also be indicative of the class separation I spoke of earlier.
Martin’s musical background was rather high class so to speak and this can be heard in his contributions to the records themselves. Just listen to Martin’s suite on the Yellow Submarine record to see how his own personal tastes differed to those say of Lennon’s.
In fact Lennon’s song writing was becoming more refined, simpler and far reaching in terms of subject matter. The purest emanation of this development could be considered to be “All You Need Is Love.
The Beatles had been put in a unique position when it came to the writing of “All You Need Is Love”.
The BBC approached them and asked them to write a song for the worlds first ever colour television broadcast and Lennon took the bull by the horns and wrote a very simple tune for the masses.
It had to be simple to get the message across, they only had 5 minutes or so and didn’t want to confuse anybody so the simple mantra of “All You Need Is Love” suited the occasion perfectly.
This is a good representation of where Lennon’s head was at this point in time and is indicative of where it was going in the years to come.
Simple songs with easy to digest, good for the soul messages.
Paul on the other hand was developing a more musically advanced style, branching off into a more traditional sound not unlike “When I’m Sixty Four”.
This divide would only grow in the coming years and sadly once the gap had become too large, the collaboration would never be the same again.
The tipping point for the Beatles could be seen as the death of their long time and beloved manger Brian Epstein, although a quick note before we tackle that.
Yoko Ono
Yoko Ono was born on the 18th of February 1933 in Tokyo to a wealthy family. Her family moved to the USA when she was very young and she grew up in New York City. It was there she became a conceptual artist, that is to say she came up with concepts and then presented them in an artistic way (I must say it’s quite an out there idea in 2020 let alone the 1960’s).
Ono traveled to England in 1966 to be part of an art show put on by an artist called Gustav Metzger. She remained in London and began working with the artist John Cage on a book of musicians lyrics which led her to fall into contact with Paul McCartney.
Ono asked for some handwritten lyrics for Cage’s book but McCartney was not into the idea and said that John may be more interested.
Yoko comes from a family that are descended from a long line of samurai’s and was taught traditional eastern religion as part of her upbringing (more on that later).
Eastern religion was still fairly unknown in the UK and whilst the upper echelons of society were privy to a bit of Crowley or Theosophy material, the majority of the public were unbeknownst to this realm of thinking but Yoko was fairly well versed in esoteric literature by the time she hit the UK.
The Beatles too were not unfamiliar with new age works of the time.
Aleister Crowley can be seen on the front of Sgt Peppers, Harrison had become besotted with Indian philosophy and even the prim and proper McCartney had admitted to taking LSD, on national television no less! So it’s fair to say the boys had a healthy interest in all aspects of the unknown by the mid 60’s and this can also be seen in their creative works.
On November 9th 1966 John Lennon met Yoko Ono for the first time at the Indica Gallery in London and was besotted with her piece “Ceiling Painting / Yes Painting” which comprised of a ladder and a magnifying glass that hung from the ceiling that was to be used once the viewer had climbed the ladder to view the words “Yes” written on the ceiling through the magnifying glass.
The optimistic tone of this installation led Lennon to view the rest of the exhibition and ended in the two artists corresponding after the event.
It was at the same gallery that John became aquatinted with a gentleman by the name of Yannis Alexis Mardas who would go on to be known as Magic Alex in the Beatles circle.
Magic Alex is an infamous character within the Beatles community for a few reasons the first of which we will get to now.
In 1964 the Beatles (mainly John) expressed an interest in purchasing a Greek island for the four of them and their entourage to live upon and whilst this never came to be the group in 1967, at the influence of Magic Alex’s father who was well connected with the Greek secret police, did manage to arrange a trip to a small island in Greece and nearly went through with the £90,000 purchase, pulling out at the last second.
John meeting Yoko Ono and Magic Alex would come to be known pivotal events in the timeline of The Beatles musical collaborations.
On the 27th of August 1967, Brian Epstein passed away from a drug overdose. The band at the time were in Wales at a conference for Transcendental Meditation hosted by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The were accosted by press upon leaving the event and footage from the event shows a group of men blinded by grief and camera flashes. Epstein's contributions to the Beatle image were quintessential and he acted as a sort of ringleader or father so to speak to the group.
His passing would significantly change the dynamic of how the group functioned and in Lennon’s own estimations was really the end of the “group” spiritually.
The fact they were at a TM conference is synchronous as this loss of a leader figure would in turn find the band looking for a greater meaning to their creative endeavours.
It is this transpiring of events that lead the Beatles to take their famous trip to India.
In February of 1968 the group headed out to the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s ashram in Rishikesh in northern India to participate in daily meditation and teachings from the Yogi himself.
The groups girlfriends, Magic Alex, Mal Evens, other musicians such as Donovan and Mike Love and many others also attended and the period was highly creative for all involved but not without its turbulence.
It was George Harrison that took to the actual practice of meditation with most success with Lennon commenting that Harrison would “leave here on a flying carpet if he wasn’t careful”. Ringo Starr and his wife left after only 10 days citing a disagreement with the food and an aversion to the local insects although remained faithful to the TM practice.
Paul left in similar fashion in mid March just in time for the arrival of Magic Alex.
John, George and Magic Alex were disheartened with their band mates departures and had started to stray from the Yogi’s intended daily plan, smoking weed, drinking homemade hooch and taking LSD whilst at the ashram.
This led to the famous storm out from Lennon and Harrison.
The actress Mia Farrow had claimed that the Marahishi had made a pass at her during one of their one on one meditation sessions and John and George were starting to question the intentions of the pint sized guru.
The story goes that Magic Alex claimed he saw the Marahishi in a sexual position with a student and after days of insistence this Led Lennon and Harrison to storm down to Marahishi’s private dwelling and announced that they were leaving.
To which the Marahishi said “But why?”, to which Lennon said “If you’re so fucking cosmic you should already know”.
The group hastily left and after a panic trying to find a taxi to which they ascribed to “The Marahishi’s Curse” they managed to get back to the UK in one piece.
As of 2020, multiple parties in attendance at the Ashram say that Magic Alex’s claims were pre-meditated for the purpose of stopping the Marahishi go on to have more influence than him over Lennon and the group in general.
These claims are substantiated in large by Alex’s subsequent contributions to the newly founded Apple Corps.
Which in fact was the entire purpose of the trip to India in the first place.
To fill the gap made by the loss of Brian Epstein.
The fruits of their journey would be what we know as “The White Album)” which would be the groups largest effort to date in terms of material with 2 LP’s worth of material being included. This was due to the influx of creativity garnered from the India experience and due each contributing songwriter having more songs than ever due to this influx.
With Harrison now worth his salt as a songwriter there was now 3 cooks at the table when it came to album contributions and it shows on The White Album.
The result is a musical journey that goes to many different sonic places and this is due to the almost tug of war that was starting to form between the song writing trio.
Upon arriving back in the UK, John contacted Yoko and asked if she would like to come over to his place. Cynthia was conveniently on holiday in Greece with Magic Alex and upon Yoko‘s arrival the atmosphere was slightly awkward so John started to show Yoko, a fellow artist, some of his more abstract tape creations that had been vitoed by The Beatles.
They began to collaborate and the resulting project was entitled “Two Virgins”.
As you can see their collaboration was a fruitful one, physically and emotionally at least, and the resulting fallout from this event would be just the top of the iceberg for what was to come for the Fab Four. The cover actually features a quote from Paul McCartney saying
"When two great Saints meet, it is a humbling experience. The long battles to prove he was a Saint."
And whilst this is a nice sentiment overall the whole thing didn’t go down too well with the boys in the band.
Firstly EMI refused to publish the album due to the cover.
Secondly his bandmates were confused to say the least, with Harrison stating over and over "But why? Why did you do it?!".
Thirdly, whilst this project was being recorded Cynthia unexpectedly came home early from Greece and found the pair half naked together in her own house.
That last point is the main claim that people use to downplay Lennon’s philosophical efforts today and admittedly, the situation could have been handled better on John’s part. But this failure to communicate effectively his emotions to his significant other, from a psychoanalyst’s point of view, would be a symptom of a pre existing emotional issue that John wouldn’t confront for a couple of years yet as we will come to see.
The juxtaposition from Cynthia to Yoko really showcases Lennon's almost wicked ability to offset his surroundings at risk of becoming trapped in a philosophical box.
This incident can be seen as in the same vein as John lashing out after it being implied he was homosexual at Paul’s 18th and in the same vein as violence towards Cynthia in the early stages of their relationship.
It was quite obvious by 1968 that John Lennon had some issues he needed to work out if he was ever going to collaborate with other human beings in any sort of meaningful creative way again.
Following the Two Virgins dispute John hit a sort of spiritual rock bottom. The main propagator of LSD and the psychedelic revolution was a man called Timothy Leary who is known for his translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead also known as the Bardo Todol.
This compendium of ancient Tibetan knowledge was all the rage during the summer of love and instructed individuals how to go through the psychedelic experience. As this was the first time this material was hitting western audiences certain aspects of the psychedelic experience had not been examined as throughly as it has been in 2020.
This meant that an emphasis on the concept of “Ego Death” was postulated as the goal or aim of a trip. Whilst dissolution of the self is one stage of the psychedelic experience it is not the whole or the goal of the any trip and this miss understanding led to many of the “acid” casualties of the 60’s and 70’s.
This oversight not only affected generations of carless hippies over the years but did quite a number on our poor Mr Lennon.
By 1969 John’s ego, per the account of Mr Derek Taylor, was pretty well cracked into tiny pieces. This was the result of what Lennon claimed in 1980 as “thousands” of experience with LSD over the decade of the 1960’s and it had left him an empty shell of the man he once was. Not having faith in his songwriting ability whilst Paul began to flourish as a multi instrumentalist in his own compositions.) One may also imply that the “macho” bravado that still to this day resides in British culture did nothing to help John’s state of mind. A sort of cynicism exists in the British psyche and is responsible for our trademark brand of sarcastic humour but it also negates the need for empathetic communication especially between members of the same sex and especially in the 1960’s.
The idea of being “real” or sharing your actual emotions was and still is to some extent highly stigmatised within the British general public as something possibly a homosexual man many do, certainly not the tough and brawn British brass that frequent our nations public houses at any rate.
This pre existing social construct certainly contributed to Lennon’s (and any modern day tripper to some extent, why do you think paranoia is listed as one of the main symptoms of psychedelic substances?) astral breakdown and the entry of Yoko and her foreign customs did not help matters.
It took some pep talks by Derek Taylor and Yoko to build John’s ego and confidence back to what it once was, reminding him of which Beatles songs he wrote and pointing out to him that he was an competent, intelligent and articulate musician despite the hearsay of the naysayers.
From here the boys move on to what we now know as the “Get Back/Let It Be” era of the Beatles. The general vibe is that due to all the upset and disruption since Epstein’s death the band should try and “Get Back” to the roots that they started out from. Lennon and Harrison were not too fond of the concept which led to daily heated discussion at the Twickenham recording studio where each days session was being filmed by an entire professional camera crew.
Watching the Let It Be film combined with an in depth analysis of the recorded sessions show a group of musicians half heartedly trying to appease an audience they long stopped catering for.
It’s kind of bittersweet to watch.
There are high points like John and Yoko dancing to “I Me Mine, a stellar rendition of “Across The Universe” and the famous rooftop concert all showcase what was left of 4 young men that had scarcely had time over the past decade to check what condition their condition was in so to speak.
The resulting album from these sessions being titled “Let It Be” instead of “Get Back” is largely indicative of how the sessions went. Listen to any interview where McCartney discusses the writing of Let It Be, the song, and you will hear him articulate the spiritual burnout the 4 were experiencing during the sessions and how despite his efforts to drive the band back to the success they once had, a dream featuring his descended mother inspired him to indeed, let the whole affair be.
This leads us to what is usually considered to be the bands magum opus by the fans, Abbey Road, but a brief look into its inception will show you that it is actually the most hollow Beatles album conceptually due to its purpose.
To end the Beatles.
Click Here For Part 2
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Flatten the Curve. #52. Lance B Eliot. AI World Government President (Organization) Behind Lance? Oracle Solutions. S&P. Is Techbrium a Real Company? Founder Claims We're at War With China Already. The WEF Great Reset & Prince Charles. Boom or Doom. It's Game On.

You have to read, Flatten the Curve, Part 51 first. Who is Lance B Eliot? Link Here
After posting the article about Lance B Eliot yesterday, another video popped up on YouTube. u/D4W50N88 found it and provided the link, and I'm glad he did (Thank you D4). Why didn't it show up for me? No idea. But it did, and now the enigma has become worse.
When I first stumbled onto this, I made a mistake. I went back through my notes and found that I had wrongly attributed the Lance persona as the judge sitting to the left of what was Lance at the table. How did I screw up that bad? I'm human. (No seriously, I'm human. I'm not AI. I'm not NSA. CIA. I don't have any affiliations to any Alphabet agencies. I am what I am. And what is that? A guy who grew up with an extremely skeptical father who always called BS on the news and political events, and tried to make me understand that it was self interest, not altruism, that guided the world around us. That will be expanded on at some point down the road.) I make mistakes. It's not the first time and it won't be the last. But sometimes mistakes happen for a reason.
This is one of those times.
So I watched the second YouTube video of Lance that was provided here;
I'm not sure if he's exactly an AI, seems to be a real person going off this video -
Really quick summary, he doesn't say diddly squat. Anyone could have regurgitated lvl 5 autonomous cars and insurance rates. My statement doesn't prove anything though. I realize that. But let me ask you something, He's been on CNN, he's written a ton of books, he's an angel investor, a venture capitalist, CEO of Techbrium, and not one other picture or (so far) any other videos of him exist? We're living in an age of near omnipresent and approaching omnipotent surveillance, they are screwing with DNA, the government has acknowledged UFO's, phenomenon like the Hum and Sky Quakes are being reported worldwide, we live in a pandemic for which we will need never ending vaccinations, so is it really out of the realm of reason that Lance could be an actor? I've looked for research papers from him and I've found maybe three to four. None of them are overly technical and mainly deal with AI and the law and ethics. That's strange. But before we dive further, I will concede the possibility that there is a Lance B Eliot, but I'm adamant that the articles and books are written by AI. No doubt in my mind, and by the time this post is done, you'll wonder what's really going on as well.
Let's start with his name. Something about it grabbed my attention, as it did for others. I can't speak for them, but I remember just looking at it suddenly thinking, is that an anagram?
u/agelesseverytime • Lance B Eliot is an anagram for antebellico - prewar.
u/WhiteRabbitCaveCA also sent me the same anagram.
Hidden in plain sight. But it's still a chess game. Your moves have to be deceptive and you need to look ahead a minimum of three moves. And all moves have multiple moves. Does this mean that the anagram doesn't apply? No. It does. And it points to the ability of having meaning hidden in meaning, all in the open.
Now I will caution you, this post will be somewhat open-ended. I haven't been able to find anything definitive that could point to a possible origin of what I believe to be Lance B Eliot, yet those breadcrumbs do lead to loaves of bread, so to speak.
So when I was sent the other YouTube link with Lance as a speaker, I looked around the web again. I had already found what I thought was a very strong link, but now the video threw a monkey wrench into my plans.
This is what else I found when I Googled articles by Lance B Eliot. Eliot Weinman, executive editor of AI Trends, where AI Eliot seems to get published a lot. Relax, it's not just the name coincidence. It's also this:
Curiosity as a Core Cognitive Capability for Self-Driving Cars. By Eliot Weinman. — By Dr. Lance B. Eliot, the AI Trends Insider. • I live in a gated community that has a main gate for residents and guests, and provides an impressive driving entrance into the neighborhood that displays ornate iron gates and a spectacular water-sprouting fountain. There is a secondary gate at the back of the community.
And then.
President Trump Will Sign an Executive Order Promoting AI. By Eliot Weinman • — President Trump is expected to sign an executive order on Monday meant to spur the development and regulation of artificial intelligence, technology that many experts believe will define the future of everything from consumer products to health care to warfare.
Source Here
There is another example there, but this will suffice. So why is Lance B Eliot being headlined by Eliot Weinman? Doesn't make sense, does it? And what is
Say hello to your one-stop, relationship-building platform and goodbye to outdated media databases: Muck Rack’s search engine lets you discover and pitch relevant journalists in a much more targeted way than legacy media databases.
Ok. Now usually top ranking scientists don't belong to an organization that is meant to find journalists paying work. Why would they? And why would a guy who has started multiple companies, is a CEO of Techbrium - and speaking of which, check out the website, powered by godaddy? Seriously? It doesn’t list any employees, no detailed company history, and while it does have job openings, it seems off. So I Googled mapped Techbrium, and guess what, no results found. Ok. Gotcha. Must be the New Normal GPS malfunctioning, right? SMH.
Back to Eliot Weinman. Let me show you what he belongs to: Founder and Conference Chair, AI World & AI World Government (brought to you by the Cambridge Institute). Uhm. Keep Calm and Carry On? Don't Worry be Happy? And, Eliot Weinman is the GM and Founder at Cambridge Innovation Institute. Also, Eliot Weinman has had 1 past job as the President, Events and Publishing at Yankee Group. And. Research firm Yankee Group has acquired digital media and technology research and events firm Trendsmedia. The acquisition will “accelerate Yankee’s growth and expand its reach in global connectivity issues, helping network builders, operators and users navigate revolutionary change”, whatever that means. And when I clicked on trendsmedia, it led me to a clickfunnel company. And when I clicked on Yankees group, it was owned by 451 Research, which is owned by S&P Global Inc. (prior to April 2016 McGraw Hill Financial, Inc., and prior to 2013 McGraw-Hill Companies) is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial information and analytics. It is the parent company of S&P Global Ratings, S&P Global Market Intelligence, and S&P Global Platts, CRISIL, and is the majority owner of the S&P Dow Jones Indices joint venture. "S&P" is a shortening of "Standard and Poor's". Cool, right. Now what? Glad you asked. S&P is into four different segments.
S&P Global RatingsEdit • S&P Global Ratings provides independent investment research including ratings on various investment instruments.
S&P Global Market IntelligenceEdit • S&P Global Market Intelligence is a provider of multi-asset class and real-time data, research, news and analytics to institutional investors, investment and commercial banks, investment advisors and wealth managers, corporations, and universities. Subsidiaries include Leveraged Commentary & Data.
S&P Dow Jones IndicesEdit • Launched on July 2, 2012, S&P Dow Jones Indices is the world's largest global resource for index-based concepts, data, and research. It produces the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average.[20][21] S&P Dow Jones Indices calculates over 830,000 indices, publishes benchmarks that provide the basis for 575 ETFs globally with $387 billion in assets invested, and serves as the DNA for $1.5 trillion of the world's indexed assets.
S&P Global PlattsEdit • Headquartered in London, S&P Global Platts is a provider of information and a source of benchmark price assessments for the commodities, energy, petrochemicals, metals, and agriculture markets. It has offices in more than 15 cities, including major energy centres such as London, Dubai, Singapore, and Houston, and international business centres such as São Paulo, Shanghai, and New York City.
Ok. So what? So this. The McGraws and the George W. Bush family have close ties dating back several generations. Harold McGraw Jr. (deceased) was a member of the national grant advisory and founding board of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. Source Here
And who is the President and chief executive officer of S&P? Douglas L. Peterson. And what else does he do? Peterson is co-chair of the Bipartisan Policy Centers’ Executive Council on Infrastructure, and advocates for public-private sector partnerships as a means of improving infrastructure in the US.[23] For the World Economic Forum, Peterson is Co-Chair of the Stewardship Board of the Platform for Shaping the Future of Cities, Infrastructure and Urban Services; a Member of the International Business Council; and Governor of the Financial Services Industry Community. Peterson is also a boardmember of National Bureau of Economic Research, and the US-China Business Council. Peterson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee.
Basically a Conspiracy Theorist's Doomscrolling dream job, am I right?
WEF • Who are behind the Great Reset (later post coming soon), and to quote Prince Charles speaking (virtually, of course SMH) at the World Economic Forum, "We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis - its unprecedented shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change," said Prince Charles at the meeting, adding later, "It is an opportunity we have never had before and may never have again." Source Here
Great. Perfect. Crisis. Reaction. Solution.
CFR • The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 4,900, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures. Currently it has, • David M. Rubenstein (Chairman) – Cofounder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, The Carlyle Group. • Jami Miscik (Vice Chairman) She currently serves on the boards of EMC Corporation, In-Q-Tel and the American Ditchley Foundation, and is a member of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board. Before entering the private sector, she had a twenty-year career as an intelligence officer, including a stint as the Central Intelligence Agency's Deputy Director for Intelligence (2002–2005), and as the Director for Intelligence Programs at the National Security Council (1995–1996). • Thad W. Allen − Senior Executive Advisor, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. • Laurence D. Fink – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer BlackRock. There are more, but you get it. And let's just top it off with, CFR has published the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs since 1922, and runs the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and publishing on foreign policy issues.
And you may have noticed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures banks from going bankrupt. Yikes. Hopefully we don't have a cybersecurity attack on our banking systems. Maybe we should use Coalfire?
OK, are you confused, me too. Let's recap.


Lance B Eliot shares article ownership with Eliot Weinman on, which was published on AI Trends. Eliot Weinman is the executive director AI World and AI World Government. Trends Media was also bought by the Yankees Group, where Eliot Weinman is the President. And when I clicked on the Yankess group, it was owned by 451 Research, which was owned by S&P, which was started by friends of George Bush, who belonged to the Carlyle Group, which has a co-executive on the CFR, and Douglas Peterson is a member of the CFR and the WEF, while aslo running S&P.
Simple, right. Now, remember two things, Eliot Weinman seems to be associated with Lance B Eliot, and Lance is constantly produces articles about AI and business, while S&P has is all about business. Let's go.

Lance the Prequel.

So when I first found Lance, I started to ponder different anagrams. Why? Well, his last name. One guy who works for me is named Elliot, and Eliot stood out for the different spelling. After repeating a mantra of Eliot for a while, I stopped.
Eliot. ElIOT. elIoT. IoT. Internet of Things. It had to be me looking for a pattern. HAD TO BE. Then I looked at the name again. The end was possible, so I looked at his first name. I repeated the same mantra, letting my unconscious do the work. And sure enough, it hit me again. Lance. LANce. LAN. Local Area Network. No. Effing. Way. Come on. LAN + IoT = Local Area Network of Internet of Things. Ok. It adds up. Makes sense. I don't know how, but it does. Yet that still left me with the rest of his name.
CEBEL. Whelp, the mantra didn't help, it was time to dig. And dig I did. And found nothing. Well a couple of things, and one I thought that I was stretching logic too far, and the other, maybe not. Because it led me to OMG’s Artificial Intelligence Platform Task Force. A co-chair was Claude Baudoin, who has a company called cébé IT & Knowledge Management. And I almost went with it, and then something said NO. It was a gut feeling that I was wrong. There was no L in the company name. So I started digging all over again. And it wasn't easy. It took forever. It didn’t make sense. At all. I couldn't find anything that was an exact match. And then I saw this.
Thomas Siebel's software company C3IoT raised about $100 million from private equity investors in January 2018, at a $1.5 billion valuation. Today, is focused on enterprise AI, but it started as a clean energy firm. It was briefly named C3IoT in 2016 to chase the IoT market. Siebel was a salesman at Oracle. He left in 1990, built software firm Siebel Systems and sold it to Oracle for $5.8 billion in cash and stock in 2006. Forbes
And he was attacked by an Elephant.
(DID YOU KNOW. Siebel was attacked by an elephant on a 2009 safari trip in Serengeti; he barely escaped death and has undergone 19 reconstructive surgeries. Maybe the animal kingdom was defending the planet?)
It was briefly named C3IoT. But the first program was sold to Oracle and • Oracle Siebel CRM is a sales force automation (SFA) and customer relationship management solution designed to assist enterprises to manage their customer experiences. It includes a range of sales, marketing and customer service applications tailored to various industries • focuses on businesses. Much like a lot of Lances articles. And Thomas Siebel's software • is a leading enterprise AI software provider for accelerating digital transformation. The proven C3 AI Suite provides comprehensive services to build enterprise-scale AI applications more efficiently and cost-effectively than alternative approaches • advances AI to accelerate digital transformation, just like AI World Government, which is owned by Eliot Weinman. Is Cebel a play on Siebel? It sure seems like it to me.
And Thomas also has this to say.
High: What inning of the game do you believe we are in from an AI perspective, and how is that likely to develop going forward? Siebel: Julius Caesar considered Gaul as being divided into three parts, and I believe AI is divided into three parts.
1• Artificial general intelligence, which includes projects such as Google DeepMind. Here, the attempt is to build computers that have equal or greater intelligence as human beings. This gets to the malicious killer robots and the refrigerator that takes over your household theory, but I do not believe we need to worry about that in our lifetimes;
2• Social media systems. Here, social media vendors are using AI extremely effectively to manipulate people at the level of the limbic brain. I believe this is malevolent, and what we are seeing in social media is concerning. People are acting as servers to the computer instead of the opposite;
3• The application of AI to commercial, industrial, and government systems, which is where we play at This is building prediction to identify fraud, efficiency to the supply chain, and predictive maintenance for devices in the digital oilfields, the smart grid, the manufacturing industry, agricultural equipment, and precision health. This is about using AI to lower the cost of production and to deliver products and services with greater safety, with greater cybersecurity, and with lower environmental impact.
Hmmm. It's starting to sound like my posts, isn't it? Yet he's not worried about killer robots, yet social media manipulation, that's a problem. But I can bet you all the tea that's left in China, those words shouldn't be taken at Facebook value.
High: You have referred to there being a war with China based on artificial intelligence, and you have referenced how Vladimir Putin said the country that wins in AI will ultimately win in the world. As a citizen of the U.S., what do you think about this? How optimistic are you about the state’s ability to lead and the extent to which it is appropriate language? Siebel: This is a crucial topic. As you mentioned, in 2017, Vladimir Putin said, “Whoever wins the war in AI will be the ruler of the world.” I believe that is true, but I do not believe Russia will win. It is either going to be China or the U.S. I believe we are currently in a state of non-kinetic warfare with China. It is well-documented how great Russia and China are at infiltrating our power grid infrastructure, infiltrating our financial system infrastructure, and implanting viruses, bots, and malware so they can remotely turn off the grid. There are well-documented incidents where the Chinese have penetrated, say, the United States Office of Personnel Management and stolen the personnel records of up to 21 million people. This includes anyone who has ever applied for or been granted a security clearance. If this is not war, what is it? If you read the 13th five-year plan, it is extremely clear what they are doing. They are investing tens of billions of dollars a year in AI to win this battle and to dominate the use of AI for the purposes of defense and conducting warfare. In many ways, this is a test of two fundamentally opposed political philosophies. In the case of China, there is a totalitarian state with a top-down command and control economy where the NRDC writes the 13th five-year plan, invests billions of dollars, and mandates that this happens. They are extremely bright, competent, and educated, and they are hard at work. In the United States, we have a much messier process with a free-market economy and a capitalist system. Innovation does not take place from a top-down command and control government-mandated system, but in garages in Palo Alto and storefronts in theNew York. I do not know which system is going to win, but this is going to be the ultimate test of these political philosophies. This is not a war we want to lose, the stakes could not be higher, and it is game on.
And then.
High: What role do you see the government playing in all this versus private industries, and how do you see the balance between the two? Siebel: The people who work in the Pentagon are exceptionally bright and well educated. These scholar statesman warriors are not asleep at the switch, and they are adopting AI in many ways to prove the efficiency of the Department of Defense. As it relates to AI, the U.S. is going to advance through a free market economy, entrepreneurship, and through the creativity of individuals who are unbridled by the constraints of the stage. This system has always worked out for us in the past, and hopefully, it will continue to. If it does not, we are going to have a problem. Source Here
Game on. If it doesn't work, there's a problem, because we're in a war with China, and the Pentagon states that the war will be fought in abrupt climate change which will cause drought and famine in China. And I've said it before, but the social discord and the riots, will be blamed on Russia and/or China. And maybe they are to blame. Who knows, because we have to trust our New Normal World Order narrative as it's filtered with fact checks and fake news, while the surveillance system makes sure we are safe from physical threats through AI data mining, and incorporating AI through the Great Reset, which apparently China has to get on board with. Uhm, and people are having a hard time believing that our world is about to get turned upside down? Really? Has the desensitization been that effective that everyone is numb? Short answer, pretty much.

BGG Final Words

NEW YORK (PRWEB) JANUARY 11, 2018 • Though various forms of artificial intelligence and machine learning have existed for nearly 60 years, it is only recently that this field of computing has developed to a level of accessibility that truly allows businesses to leverage this innovative technology. There are no blanket solutions in technological transformations. Artificial intelligence is no exception. Mediaplanet’s Cognitive Technology campaign, created in partnership with Melinda Gates, the World Economic Forum and Microsoft, will serve as an educational guidebook for business leaders to understand how to obtain the maximum benefits from cognitive technologies within their market —using artificial intelligence to improve employee workflow and efficiency, reshape customer experiences and take risk and fraud protection to the next level. This program was made possible with the support of Melinda Gates, the World Economic Forum’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Microsoft, the National Security Agency, the National Retail Federation, Eliot Weinman, the Cognitive Computing Consortium, SCIP, AMT, HSBC, Forgerock, Feedzai, LogMeIn, Cognicor, Omron, The Nerdery and The Savo Group. Source Here
Hey! Look, NSA, Melinda "I hoarded food in my basement because I know how privileged we are" Gates, WEF, and Eliot Weinman. And his AI World Government did this press release.
According to Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum (BGF), “We have been collaborating with Mr. Weinman and his team at AI World throughout 2018 to support the event as an International Host. We have several activities already underway at AI World 2018, and will continue our strategic alliance for all AI World 2019 events. We will present an AI-Government model at AI World Government.” Source Here
Do you want Skynet Eliot, cause this is how you get Skynet.
But maybe I'm suffering mass psychogenic delusions from Doomscrolling looking for mass surveillance examples and an upcoming war before environmental collapse. Maybe? Possible? Let's look and see if I'm justified in my paranoia.
Lance B Eliot • Neanderthal and AI. Source HereCould the acrimonious polarization in society today be simply due to chance alone, or might we be divided amongst ourselves by inherited Neanderthal DNA that has been triggered in recent times? Let’s hope that we can find a means to overcome the polarization, else we might become an extinct species and then, down the road, perhaps some surviving all-knowing AI might look back one day and snicker that we were ultimately and unknowingly doomed by our Neanderthal forerunners.
You're gonna trigger me, you AI loving Neanderthal monster. Doesn't that sound crazy? Read the article and then tell me that it was written by a human (not that anyone has, it's just a figure of speech).
May 21, 2016 • As you can see, it seems like we managed to avert what could have been a massive economic crisis in the 2008-2009 time frame, and entered into what Mohamed in his 2010 Per Jacobsson lecture referred to as the “new normal” (now widely popularized). We have been somewhat languishing in this new normal and are seemingly trying to just keep ourselves in the new normal, sometimes now referred to as the new new normal. Believing that we are nearing the T-junction, the Figure 1 shows that we are upon a pivot point, perhaps in just the next 2-3 years, and will then swing either toward the boom or the doom, of which the Mohamed as odds-maker suggests are equally likely (50/50 chance). Source Here
Pivot? Boom or Doom? Thank God we don't have any pivots happening.
Obama, 2012, Pivot to Asia • There has been strong perception from China that all of these are part of US' China containment policy.[4] Proponents of this theory claim that the United States needs a weak, divided China to continue its hegemony in Asia. This is accomplished, the theory claims, by the United States establishing military, economic, and diplomatic ties with countries adjacent to China's borders.
Aw crap. Pandemic. The Great Reset. Fourth Industrial Revolution. World Economic Forum. AI World Government. Pivot. Boom or Doom. Pivot to Asia.
All good. Keep Calm and Carry On. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself, and environmental collapse, WW3, AI, Killer Robots, Big Brother, Pandemic, Economic Collapse, Asteroids,1. Magnetic Field Weakening, Famine, and Animal Mass Mortality Events. It's game on. Boom or Doom time. Cats and Dogs living together. Neanderthals worshipping AI. All the worst parts out of the Bible, except we don't get turned to salt. I hope. 2020 isn't over yet. And it probably won't be over in 2021, or 2023, or, 2030. After all, the agenda runs until 2030, doesn’t it?
So is Thomas Siebel and Oracle Siebel Systems supposed to be a homonym for Cebel? Is Eliot Weinman involved somehow, or is it just a coincidence. Is Lance B Eliot gonna be AI President of the Techncracy? Just keep paying attention and stay aware. We might not what is happening, but we know something is, and possibly hidden actors involved in all of it.
Heads up and eyes open. This hasn't even started yet. Talk soon and take care.
1. Trust me, u/arctic-gold-digger was right on the money about space rocks, and I'll show you why in a few posts. And also, thanks to u/WhiteRabbitCaveCA as well as u/UFOS-ARE-DEMONIC The extra dots being connected were a massive help.
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I am about to post the 3000 most common words in the English lexicon. Wish me luck...

a abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertising advice advise adviser advocate affair affect afford afraid African African-American after afternoon again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural ah ahead aid aide AIDS aim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol alive all alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive art article artist artistic as Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure at athlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful baby back background bad badly bag bake balance ball ban band bank bar barely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle be beach bean bear beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible big bike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl box boy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broad broken brother brown brush buck budget build building bullet bunch burden burn bury bus business busy but butter button buy buyer by cabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campus can Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful carefully carrier carry case cash cast cat catch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase cheap check cheek cheese chef chemical chest chicken chief child childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizen city civil civilian claim class classic classroom clean clear clearly client climate climb clinic clinical clock close closely closer clothes clothing cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coffee cognitive cold collapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial color column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation cop cope copy core corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycle dad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date daughter day dead deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare decline decrease deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue die diet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismiss disorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA do doctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drug dry due during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort egg eight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronic element elementary eliminate elite else elsewhere e-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage end enemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etc ethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellent except exception exchange exciting executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence existing expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure fair fairly faith fall false familiar family famous fan fantasy far farm farmer fashion fast fat fate father fault favor favorite fear feature federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence few fewer fiber fiction field fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure file fill film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fitness five fix flag flame flat flavor flee flesh flight float floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from front fruit frustration fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funding funeral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game gang gap garage garden garlic gas gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture get ghost giant gift gifted girl girlfriend give given glad glance glass global glove go goal God gold golden golf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave gray great greatest green grocery ground group grow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilty gun guy habit habitat hair half hall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hat hate have he head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello help helpful her here heritage hero herself hey hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historian historic historical history hit hold hole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honor hope horizon horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal identification identify identity ie if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensity intention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irish iron Islamic island Israeli issue it Italian item its itself jacket jail Japanese jet Jew Jewish job join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judgment juice jump junior jury just justice justify keep key kick kid kill killer killing kind king kiss kitchen knee knife knock know knowledge lab label labor laboratory lack lady lake land landscape language lap large largely last late later Latin latter laugh launch law lawn lawsuit lawyer lay layer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave left leg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lesson let letter level liberal library license lie life lifestyle lifetime lift light like likely limit limitation limited line link lip list listen literally literary literature little live living load loan local locate location lock long long-term look loose lose loss lost lot lots loud love lovely lover low lower luck lucky lunch lung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mall man manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing many map margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math matter may maybe mayor me meal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirror miss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie Mr Mrs Ms much multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual my myself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspaper next nice night nine no nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose not note nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n't nuclear number numerous nurse nut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur ocean odd odds of off offense offensive offer office officer official often oh oil ok okay old Olympic on once one ongoing onion online only onto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition option or orange order ordinary organic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook owe own owner pace pack package page pain painful paint painter painting pair pale Palestinian palm pan panel pant paper parent park parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passion past patch path patient pattern pause pay payment PC peace peak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet phase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician piano pick picture pie piece pile pilot pine pink pipe pitch place plan plane planet planning plant plastic plate platform play player please pleasure plenty plot plus PM pocket poem poet poetry point pole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution pool poor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post pot potato potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice pray prayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously price pride priest primarily primary prime principal principle print prior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor profile profit program progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proud prove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publish publisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue push put qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote race racial radical radio rail rain raise range rank rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rather rating ratio raw reach react reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruit red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace reply report reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm rice rich rid ride rifle right ring rise risk river road rock role roll romantic roof room root rope rose rough roughly round route routine row rub rule run running rural rush Russian sacred sad safe safety sake salad salary sale sales salt same sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settle settlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shut sick side sigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sink sir sister sit site situation six size ski skill skin sky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slip slow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smooth snap snow so so-called soccer social society soft software soil solar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spin spirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stage stair stake stand standard standing star stare start state statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel step stick still stir stock stomach stone stop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike string strip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tail take tale talent talk tall tank tap tape target task taste tax taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team tear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature 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withdraw within without witness woman wonder wonderful wood wooden word work worker working works workshop world worried worry worth would wound wrap write writer writing wrong yard yeah year yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself youth zone
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If you missed the AMA

AMA AT DETECTIVE ID (25/06/2020)
Before welcoming any questions, I would like to briefly introduce STATERA PROJECT. Statera is a smart contract deflationary token pegged to a cryptocurrency index fund. By including STA in an index fund with Link, BTC, ETH, and SNX you can buy one token and access the price action of four of the leading cryptocurrencies. You can also invest directly in the index fund (balancer pool) and receive the benefits of fees and BAL tokens paid to you while also having an automatically balanced fund. Lastly the deflationary mechanics of STA increases the chance for positive price action while decreasing beta (volatility). This is all found in a smart contract that is fully decentralized, the founders can no longer augment the contract in any way and this has been confirmed by a third party code audit through Hacken.
Q1 : please explain in more detail about Statera, what is the background of this project? and when was it established?
The dev of this project had previously created another deflationary token BURN. When the Balancer Labs released the Balancer Protocol, he had an idea to combine the two, deflationary token and a pool of tokens, making the first deflationary index fund. It started in the end of May and on the 3rd iteration, May 29th - a trustless version was launched that we see today. As briefly explained earlier, STATERA or STA is an Index Deflationary Token built on Ethereum blockchain; Index: Contains a token suite of world class leading crypto assests BTC, ETH, LINK, SNX with STA. Deflationary: On every transaction of STA 1% of the transacted amount is sent to 0x address on ethereum, burned forever, thus reducing the circulating supply of STA Index+Deflationary: STA is mixed with BTC, ETH, LINK SNX in a portfolio, backed by liquidity on a protocol known as balancer ( This platform serves as a market maker for the token suit. The Index suite is of equal rate of 20%, that is 20% of BTC, ETH, SNX LINK and STA, Thus, anytime there is an increase in value of any of those coins or tokens, balancer automatically trade them for STA in order to keep the token suit ratio balanced. And anytime there is an increase in the value of STA, the same process applies. while doing this trade, it enables further burning on every transaction, thus facilitating more token scarcity. In addition to this, Statera was deployed with contract finalised, that is, the index suite can not be altered, It is completely out of Dev's control.
Q2 : What are the achievements that have been obtained by Statera in 2020? And what goals do you want to achieve in 2020?
By this we assume the questionnaire is asking for a roadmap! First, the project is barely a month old, and within just a month, our liquidity has grown from $50,000 to over $400,000 currently above $300,000. Among the things we have accomplished so far is the creation of market value for STA's Balancer liquidity pool token BPT, which is currently over $1000 per one BPT. Regarding what we set to achieve: The future is filled with many opportunities and potentials, currently, we are working on a massive campaign to introduce our product to the outside world. We have already made contact with different and reputable forums and channels regarding marketing and advertisement offers, some which we are currently negotiating, some which we are awaiting response. All we can say for now is that the Team is working hard to make this the Investment opportunity every crypto enthusiast has been waiting for. Statera has the goal of putting cryptocurrency into every portfolio. We believe we have a product that increases the returns of investing in cryptocurrencies and makes it easier to diversify in this space. We have done so much in June: articles, how to videos, completed the audit, tech upgrades like one token liquidity additions, and beginning our many social communities. We have been hard at work behind the scenes but things like sponsorships, features, and media take time, content makers need days if not weeks to develop content, especially the best of the best. We are working tirelessly, we will not disappoint. We have plans for 2020-2025 and will release those in the next month. They are big and bold, you’re going to be impressed by the scale of our vision, when we say “Cryptocurrency in every portfolio” we mean it. In 2020 more specifically we are focused on more media, videos, product offerings, and exchanges.
Q3 : What is the purpose of STA token? How can we get STA? The purpose of STA is an investment in the first deflationary index fund. The whole index's value rises from these aspects: 1. The index funds (WBTC,WETH,SNX,LINK) appreciate in value 2. When the index tokens are traded, the pool receives transaction fees - 1% 3. STA burns on transactions, so it's deflationary nature increases its value as the total supply drops 4. Balancer rewards Index holders with BAL token airdrops every week You can invest via the 'Trade' links in website. Easiest way is to do it using ETH. The monetary policy of our token is set in stone and constantly deflationary. This negative supply pressure is a powerful mechanism in economics and price discovery. Through the lowering of supply we can decrease your beta (volatility) and increase your alpha (gains). Our token is currently only top 40 in liquidity on Balancer, however our volume is top 10! You want to know why? Because Statera works. Statera increases arbitrage, volume, fees, BAL rewards, and liquidity. Our liquidity miners in our Balancer pool are already making some of the highest BAL rewards on the platform, one user we spoke with made 18% in June, that’s over 150% APY! Our product is working, 100% (or you could say 150%), and when people start to see that, and realize the value, the sky's the limit.
Q4 : can we as a user do STA mining? The supply of STA doesn't increase anymore, it only decreases due to the burn feature. So there is no way to mine anymore STA. Only way to acquire the tokens is via an exchange. The monetary policy of our token is set in stone and constantly deflationary. This negative supply pressure is a powerful mechanism in economics and price discovery. Through the lowering of supply we can decrease your beta (volatility) and increase your alpha (gains). Our token is currently only top 40 in liquidity on Balancer, however our volume is top 10! You want to know why? Because Statera works. Statera increases arbitrage, volume, fees, BAL rewards, and liquidity. Our liquidity miners in our Balancer pool are already making some of the highest BAL rewards on the platform, one user we spoke with made 18% in June, that’s over 150% APY! Our product is working, 100% (or you could say 150%), and when people start to see that, and realize the value, the sky's the limit.
Q5 : The ecosystem of a public chain has a lot to do with the level of engagement and participation of third-party developers. How does Statera support the developers?
Not really. Our project is focusing on investment opportunities for the cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrency tokens that are not used and are just sitting in a wallet can work for you by being added to an index fund and appreciate in value over time. First off, what we have created is a new asset class, I’ll repeat that, a new asset class. This asset has never existed: “Deflationary Index Fund,” what does that mean for finance? What will developers do with this? It’s hard to give a finite answer. We hope there are future economic papers on our token and what it means to be a deflationary index fund. With the addition of synthetic assets and oracles you can put any asset into the DeFi space: Gold, Nikkei 225, USD, etc. STA can be combined with any assets and bring the benefits of it’s ecosystem and deflationary mechanism to that asset. STA, the token itself, also gives you access to the price action of any asset it is paired with. Put simply STA’s balancer pool(s) give you a benefit in holding them, and STA’s price will reflect it’s inclusion in Balancer Pool(s) (and possibly future financial instruments), so STA is a bet on DeFi as a whole. When we say as whole, we mean as whole: what happens if you include STA in a crypto loan, or package it with a synthetic S&P 500 token, or use it as fee payment in a DeFi platform? Being fully decentralized it is up to our community to make this happen, social engagement and community are key. We are constantly bringing community members onto our team and rewarding those that benefit the ecosystem. in addition, Statera is a fully community project now. Paul who is the current team leader was an ordinary member of the community weeks ago, due to his interest and support for the project, he started dedicating his time to the project. Quite a number of community members are also in the same position, while Statera was developed by an individual, it is being built by the entire Statera community
Community Questions (Twitter):
Q1 From: @KazimKara35 The project tells us that the acquisition and sale of data between participants is protected by code of conduct and how safe is deployed on the blockchain, but how do you handle regulations while operating on a global scale?
Statera is decentralized token, similar to other utility crypto tokens and same regulations apply to it as others. his is actually a benefit of our decentralized nature. This isn’t legal advice, however in the past regulating bodies have ruled that the more decentralized a project is, especially from launch, the less likely they are to be deemed a security (see: Ethereum). This means they can be traded more freely and be available on more platforms. We are as decentralized as you can be. The data itself is all secured through the blockchain which has been shown to be a highly secure medium. We do not store any of your data and as long as you follow best practices in blockchain security there are no added security risks of using Statera. We don’t, and literally can’t, hold anymore personal information than is made available in any blockchain transaction. and that "personal information" is more likely than not just your ethereum wallet address, no "real world" data is included in transactions
Q2 from: @Michael_NGT353 What is Mechanism you use On your Project sir? Are you Use PoS,PoW or other Mechanism Can you explain why you use it and what is Make it Different?
Our token is an ERC-20 token and it's running on the Ethereum blockchain. The Ethereum's POW mechanism is currently supporting the Statera token We run on Ethereum, so we are currently PoW. With ETH 2.0 we will hopefully be PoS this year (hopefully). We use it because ETH has over 100 million addresses and around a million daily transactions. We are currently at about 1,900 token holders, we are just touching the edge of what is possible in this market. We chose the biggest and the best network available right now to launch our product. We think the upside is huge because of this choice. Being the biggest network it is also one of the most secure, no high risk vulnerabilities have been found in Ethereum or in our code (we've had our code audited by a third party, Hacken, and you can read their audit on our Medium page), so we also have security on our side
Q3 From : @Ryaaan_Nguyen Can you list some of Statera outstanding features for everyone here to know about? What are the products that Statera is focusing on developing?
As mentioned earlier by GC, First off, what we have created is a new asset class, I’ll repeat that, a new asset class. This asset has never existed: “Deflationary Index Fund,” what does that mean for finance? What will developers do with this? It’s hard to give a finite answer. We hope there are future economic papers on our token and what it means to be a deflationary index fund. With the addition of synthetic assets and oracles you can put any asset into the DeFi space: Gold, Nikkei 225, USD, etc. STA can be combined with any assets and bring the benefits of it’s ecosystem and deflationary mechanism to that asset. STA, the token itself, also gives you access to the price action of any asset it is paired with. Put simply STA’s balancer pool(s) give you a benefit in holding them, and STA’s price will reflect it’s inclusion in Balancer Pool(s) (and possibly future financial instruments), so STA is a bet on DeFi as a whole. When we say as whole, we mean as whole: what happens if you include STA in a crypto loan, or package it with a synthetic S&P 500 token, or use it as fee payment in a DeFi platform? We touched on this a bit in the question on what makes us special compared to other exchanges. We have created a product that synergizes with Balancer Pools creating a symbiotic relationship that improves the outcomes for users (our product can also synergize with future DeFi products). By including STA in an index fund with Link, BTC, ETH, and SNX you can buy one token and access the price action of four of the leading cryptocurrencies. You can also invest directly in the index fund (balancer pool) and receive the benefits of fees and BAL tokens paid to you while also having an automatically balanced portfolio (like an index fund with dividends). Lastly, the deflationary mechanics of STA increases the chance for positive price action while decreasing beta. We want to package Statera with assets across the whole cryptocurrency space, with an emphasis on DeFi. We also want everyday people to be able to invest quickly in crypto while also feeling reassured their investment is set up to succeed. We are focused on developing a name brand that people go to first and foremost when investing in crypto: cryptocurrency in every portfolio. This is all found in a smart contract that is fully decentralized, the founders can no longer augment the contract in any way and this has been confirmed by the third party code audit. This is a feature in and of itself, some argue that Bitcoin’s true value is in it’s network effect, first mover advantage, and immutability. Statera is modeled on all three of those and has those features in spades. The community now owns our token, the power in that, giving finance and power to the people, is why we are here.
Q4 From : @futcek What do you think about the possibility of creating new use cases in DeFi space for existing real world assets by using crypto technology? What role do you see in this creation for Statera?
I think my answer above actually answers this perfectly, Statera in and of itself is a “new use case”, a “deflationary index fund” has never existed, I’ll copy and paste the other relevant part: “With the addition of synthetic assets and oracles you can put any asset into the DeFi space: Gold, Nikkei 225, USD, etc. STA can be combined with any assets and bring the benefits of it’s ecosystem and deflationary mechanism to that asset. STA, the token itself, also gives you access to the price action of any asset it is paired with. Put simply STA’s balancer pool(s) give you a benefit in holding them, and STA’s price will reflect it’s inclusion in Balancer Pool(s) (and possibly future financial instruments), so STA is a bet on DeFi as a whole. When we say as whole, we mean as whole: what happens if you include STA in a crypto loan, or package it with a synthetic S&P 500 token, or use it as fee payment in a DeFi platform? Being fully decentralized it is up to our community to make this happen, social engagement and community are key. We are constantly bringing community members onto our team and rewarding those that benefit the ecosystem.” Statera is a way to make your investment more successful, and owning Statera let's you benefit from other people using it to make their investments more successful (a self feeding cycle).
Q5 From : @Carmenzamorag Statera's deflationary system is based in that with every transaction 1% of the amount is destroyed, would this lead to lack of supply and liquidity in the long term future? How would that be fixed?
The curve of supply is asymptote, meaning that it will never reach zero. The idea is that the deflationary process will slowly decrease the supply of STA, which – combined with a fixed or increaseing demand – will result in STA appreciating in value. Evidently, as the STA token increases in value, the amounts of STA being traded will slowly decrease: The typical investor might buy 10.000 STA at the current rate, but in the future (proportional to an increase in the valueation of STA) this number will tend to decrease, hence the future investor might only buy 1000 STA. This of course results in less STA being burned. Additionally, STA is divisible to the 18th decimal, why – even if the supply was to reach 1 STA – there would be a sufficient supply. Well this would be a question for a Mathematician, and luckily we’re loaded with them (as seen above)! I’ll try to illustrate with an example. 1% of 100 million is 1 million, 1% of 10 million is 100,000. As we go down in supply the burn is less by volume. What also happens at lower supply is higher prices (supply and demand economics). So those 1 million tokens burned may be worth $20,000, but by the time overall supply is at 10 million those 100,000 tokens may also be worth $20,000 or even more. This means you transact “less”, if you want to buy 1 Ether now with Statera you need 8,900 STA which would burn 89 tokens. If Statera is worth $100 you only need 2.32 statera (.023 tokens burned). Along with this proportional and relative burn decrease, tokens are 18 decimals long, so even when we get to 1 token left (which mathematically would take decades if not centuries, but that is wholly dependent on usage), you are still left with 10 to the 18th power, or one quintillion “tokens”. So it’s going to take us a while to have supply issues :)
Nuked Phase (3rd Part)
Q) What is your VISION and Mission?
Our working mission and vision: Mission: Provide every investor with simple and effective ways to invest in cryptocurrency. Decrease volatility and increase positive price pressure in cryptocurrency investments. Lower the barrier to entry for more advanced investment tools. Be a community focused and community driven cryptocurrency, fully decentralized by every meaning of the word. Vision: We aspire to put “cryptocurrency in every portfolio”. We envision a world where finance is given back to the people and wealth building strategies withheld only for affluent individuals are given to all. We also strive to create an investment environment based on sound monetary policy and all the power that comes with a sound asset.
Q) What are the benefits of STA for its investors in long term? Does STA have Afrika as an important area for its expansion?
We have ties to Africa and see Statera as a way for anyone and everyone to invest in cryptocurrency. The small marketcap of statera makes it's price low and it's upside massive. Right now if you wanted to be exposed to the price action of four cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, Link, SNX) Statera is a way to gain that exposure in a way that has a huge upside, compared to the other four assets, there are risks in investing in any small cap but with those risk come outsized rewards (not investment advice and all answers are solely my opinions 😊)
Q) In the long run, why should we trust and follow STATERA? How do you raise awareness and elimination of the doubts of investors / partners / customers?.
You're really asking "How do I trust myself and other crypto investors" The project is FULLY decentralized, it is now in the hands of the community. We would venture a guess that the community wants their investment to succeed and be worth more in the future, so you are betting on people. wanting to make themselves money on their own investment. This is a pretty sure bet. The community being active and engaged is key, and we have short term and long term plans to ensure this happens
Q) No one can doubt the strength of #Statera. But can you tell us some of the challenges and difficulties you're presently facing? How can you possibly overcome them?
We're swinging outside our weightclass, we don't see litecoin or SNX, or any other crypto product as our competition. Our competition is NASDAQ, Fidelity, etc. We want to provide world class financial instruments that only the wealthy have access to in the traditional world to everyone. Providing liquidity, risk parity, being paid to provide liquidity, unique value propositions, are all things we want to bring to everyone. However we are coming up in a hectic space, everyday their is fud and defamation on the web, but that is the sandbox we chose to play in and we aren't grabbing our ball and going home. We can tell you that we will not disappoint and fighting all the fud that comes along with being a small and upstart project only fuel our fire. Building legitimacy is our largest challenge and looking at our audit, financial report, and some things you will see in the coming weeks, we hope you see we are facing those challenges head on.
Q) What is the actual uniqueness of #Statera.??? Can you guys please explain tha advantages of #Statera over other projects.??
When we launched there were no other products like ours. There are now copies, and we wish them the best, but we have the best product, hands down. Over the next couple weeks this will become apparent, if it hasn't already, also a lot of the AMA answers dug deeper into our unique value proposition, especially the benefits we provide to Balancer Pools which shows the benefits we would provide for any index fund. We are a tool to improve cryptocurrency investing
Q) Fragmentation, layering and cross-chain are three future solutions for high-performance blockchains. Where is Statera currently? What are the main reasons for taking this direction?
We operate on the Ethereum chain, as it upgrades our services and usability will upgrade. We are working on UI and more user friendly systems to onboard people into our ecosystem
Q) How STATERA plan to make room and make this project known in the world of crypto, full of technology and full of new projects very good in today's market?
We think we have a truly innovative product, which - when first understood - appeals to most investors. Whether you want a high-volatility/medium-risk token like STA or whether you are more conservative and simply just plan on adding to the Statera pool BPT (which is not nearly as volatile but still offers great returns). We plan on making Statera known to the crypto world through a marketing campaign which slowly will be unravelled in the comming days and weeks. If interested, you can check out an analysis of the different investment options in the Statera ecosystem in our first financial report:
Q) Hello, cryptocurrencies are very volatile and follow bitcoin ... and does this apply to Statera? or is there some other logic present in some way? is statera token different from a current token? Are you working on listings on other exchanges?
Currently uniswap is somewhat uncomfortable for fees. We are also on bamboo relay, saturn network, and mesa. Statera will be volatile like all cryptocurrency, this is a small and nascent space. But with the deflationary mechanic and balancer pool, over time, as marketcap grows it will become less volatile and more positively reactive to price.
Q) Security is one of the most essential characteristics for a project to get reputation. How can #Statera Team assure to their community that users assets and investments will stay safe from unwanted agents?
We have been third party audited by the same company that worked with VeChain to audit their code. Our code has been shown to be bulletproof. Unless Ethereum comes up with a fatal security flaw there is nothing that can happen to our contract (there is no backdoor, no way for anyone to edit or adjust the smart contract).
Q) Many investors see the project from the price of the coin. Can you give us advantages why Statera is so suitable for long-term investment? and what makes Statera different from other similar projects?
Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. A question you can ask is “What if this fails”? But you can also ask, “What if this succeeds”? Cryptocurrency is filled with asymmetric risks, we think if you look into the value proposition you will find that there is a huge asymmetric risk/reward in Statera, and we will make that even clearer in our soon to be released litepaper. You are on the ground floor of a simple but highly effective solution to onboarding people into defi, cryptocurrencies, and investing. Our product reduces volatility and increases gains (decreases beta and increases alpha in investor terms), which is highly attractive in any investment. The down side is there but the upside outweighs it exponentially (asymmetric risk)
Q) What your plans in place for global expansion, are Statera focusing on only market at this time? Or focus on building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships? Can you explain this?
We have reached out to influencers in other countries and things are in the works. We have also translated documents and are working on having them in at least 4 languages by the end of July. We were founded globally, our team is global, and we are focused on reaching all 7 billion people.
Q) Now in the cryptofield everyday there are new projects joining in the Blockchain space. They are upgraded, Well-established and coming up with innovative technology. How Statera going to compete with them? What do you think, one day Statera will become useless And will be lost into the abyss of time for not bringing any new technology?
We are the first of our kind, no one had a deflationary index fund before us. Index funds will be the future of crypto (look at the popularity of etfs and indexes in the traditional markets). We are a tool to make your index function better and pay you more. As long as people care about crypto index funds they will care about the value STA brings to that. We have an involved and long term plan to reach dominance over a 5 year span, this is not a flash in the pan, big things coming
Q1. You say that the weight and proportions of your tokens are constant. So how have you managed to prevent market price speculation from generating hypervolability in your token price? Do you consider yourselves a kind of stablecoin? Q2. How many jurisdictions allow the use of Stratera products and services? Are they available for Latin America? @joloroeowo The balancer ensures an equal ratio of 20% amongst the five tokens included in our fund. This, however, does not imply that the tokens are stable. Rather, the Balancer protocol helps mitigating price fluctuations.
Q) How can I as a Statera participant participate in liquidity mining, and receive BAL as reward? What are the use cases of $STA token, and how are users motivated to buy and hold long term?
The easiest way is to go to and click trade then BPT. You can also buy all five tokens and click on portfolio then add liquidity. Balancer is working on a simpler interface to add liquidity with one token, we are waiting on them. I think we explained the use cases above
Q) What do you plan have for global expansion, is Statera currently focused solely on the market? Or is it focused on building and developing or acquiring customer and user or partnership relationships? Can you explain it?
We are currently working on promoting the project and further develope our product, making it lucrative for more new investors to join our pool and invest in the STA token.
Q1) Statera have 2 types of tokens, so can you tell me the differences between STA and STAC ? What are their uses cases? Is possible Swap between them? Q2) Currently the only possible Swap or "exchange" possible is Uniswap, so you do have plans to list the STA token into a more Exchanges?
STAC is obsolete, we only have STA and BPT (go to our website and click on trade) BPT gives you more diversification and less risk, STA gives you more volatility and more chance for big gains. Q2 we are on multiple exchanges (4), bamboo relay, saturn, and mesa we do have plans for future exchanges but the big ones have processes and hoops to jump through that can't be done so quickly
Q) What business scenarios can STATERA support now? In which industries can we see the mass adoption of STATERA technology in the near future?
Statera increases the effectiveness of your cryptocurrency investments. Specifically it makes cryptocurrency index funds function better, netting you higher returns, which we have already seen in just one month of implementation. Right now, today, you can buy our BPT token and increase the functionality of holding a crypto index fund. In the future we want every single web user to see and use our product
Q) Do you plan to migrate to other platforms like Tron, BinanceChain, EOS, etc. if it is feasible??
Migrating our current contract is not. Starting new offerings on those other chains could be possible, they aren't on our radar currently but if the community requests them we are driven by our community
Q) ETH Blockchain is a Blockchain have many token based in it, i have used ETH blockchain long time and i see it have big fee and need much time to make a transcation so Why you choose to based STA in ETH blockchain not other like Bep2 or Trc20 ?
Simply: 100 million addresses, 1 million transactions a day. The more users we have the more we will benefit our community. We hope ETH 2.0 scaling will fix the problems you mention.
Q) No one achieve anything of value on its own, please can you share about Statera present and future partnerships that will drive you to success in this highly congested crypto space?
We have a unique product that no one else has (there are people who have copied us). We can't announce our current and future partnerships yet, but they will be released soon. Our future hopes of partnerships are big and will be key to our future, know we are focused on making big partnerships, some you may not even be thinking about.
Q) According to the fact that your algorithm causes 1% of each transaction to be destroyed, I would like to know, then, how you plan to finance yourself as a project in the long term?
The project is now in the hands of the community and we are a team of passionate people volunteering to help promote and develope the Statera ecosystem. But then, how do we afford running a promo campaign? We have lots of great community members donating funds that goes to promoting the project. In other words, the community helps financing the project. And so far, we have created a fantastic community consisting of passionate and well-educated people!
Q) There are many cryptocurrency startups were established by talent teams, but they got problem in raising capital via token sales due to many factors as bear market, bankrupt etc. This leaded their potential startups fail. So how will Statera break these barriers and attract more funds from outside crypto space?
We are community focused and community ran. When you look at centralized cryptocurrencies you can see the negative of them (Tron, ADA, etc.) We believe being fully decentralized is the true power position. You the owner of statera can affect our future and must affect our future. This direct ownership means people need to mobilize and organize to push us forward, and it is in their best self interest to do so. It's a bet on our community, we're excited about that bet
Q) What business scenarios can STATERA support now? In which industries can we see the mass adoption of STATERA technology in the near future?
Statera increases the effectiveness of your cryptocurrency investments. Specifically it makes cryptocurrency index funds function better, netting you higher returns, which we have already seen in just one month of implementation. Right now, today, you can buy our BPT token and increase the functionality of holding a crypto index fund. In the future we want every single web user to see and use our product
Q) Why being a hybrid of a liquidity pool and an index fund? What are the main benefits about this?
By being a liquidity pool the exchange side of the pool (balancer also functions as an exchange) gives you added liquidity for more effortless, effective, and cheaper rebalancing. You also benefit from getting paid the fee when people use the exchange AND getting paid BAL tokens that are worth $15-20 USD. These are not benefits you get with an index fund, meanwhile the liquidity pool rebalances just like an index fund would
Q) Which specific about technology and strategy of #STA that make you believe it will be successful and what does #STA plan do to attract more users in the upcoming time?
I think the idea behind Statera is truly ingenious. We have made an index fund, which investors are highly(!) incentivised to invest in, namely because the ROI, so far, has been huge. An increase in the pool liquidity (index fund) indirectly translates into an increase in the price of STA, why we think the STA token - combined with its deflationary nature - will increase in the long run. The mechanism behind this is somewhat complex, but to better get an understanding of it, I suggest you visit our medium page and read more about the project:
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I’ll make the next 3000 word sacrifice

3000 most common words in the English lexicon
a abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertising advice advise adviser advocate affair affect afford afraid African African-American after afternoon again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural ah ahead aid aide AIDS aim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol alive all alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive art article artist artistic as Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure at athlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful baby back background bad badly bag bake balance ball ban band bank bar barely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle be beach bean bear beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible big bike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl box boy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broad broken brother brown brush buck budget build building bullet bunch burden burn bury bus business busy but butter button buy buyer by cabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campus can Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful carefully carrier carry case cash cast cat catch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase cheap check cheek cheese chef chemical chest chicken chief child childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizen city civil civilian claim class classic classroom clean clear clearly client climate climb clinic clinical clock close closely closer clothes clothing cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coffee cognitive cold collapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial color column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation cop cope copy core corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycle dad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date daughter day dead deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare decline decrease deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue die diet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismiss disorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA do doctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drug dry due during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort egg eight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronic element elementary eliminate elite else elsewhere e-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage end enemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etc ethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellent except exception exchange exciting executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence existing expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure fair fairly faith fall false familiar family famous fan fantasy far farm farmer fashion fast fat fate father fault favor favorite fear feature federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence few fewer fiber fiction field fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure file fill film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fitness five fix flag flame flat flavor flee flesh flight float floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from front fruit frustration fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funding funeral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game gang gap garage garden garlic gas gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture get ghost giant gift gifted girl girlfriend give given glad glance glass global glove go goal God gold golden golf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave gray great greatest green grocery ground group grow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilty gun guy habit habitat hair half hall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hat hate have he head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello help helpful her here heritage hero herself hey hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historian historic historical history hit hold hole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honor hope horizon horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal identification identify identity ie if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensity intention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irish iron Islamic island Israeli issue it Italian item its itself jacket jail Japanese jet Jew Jewish job join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judgment juice jump junior jury just justice justify keep key kick kid kill killer killing kind king kiss kitchen knee knife knock know knowledge lab label labor laboratory lack lady lake land landscape language lap large largely last late later Latin latter laugh launch law lawn lawsuit lawyer lay layer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave left leg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lesson let letter level liberal library license lie life lifestyle lifetime lift light like likely limit limitation limited line link lip list listen literally literary literature little live living load loan local locate location lock long long-term look loose lose loss lost lot lots loud love lovely lover low lower luck lucky lunch lung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mall man manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing many map margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math matter may maybe mayor me meal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirror miss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie Mr Mrs Ms much multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual my myself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspaper next nice night nine no nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose not note nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n't nuclear number numerous nurse nut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur ocean odd odds of off offense offensive offer office officer official often oh oil ok okay old Olympic on once one ongoing onion online only onto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition option or orange order ordinary organic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook owe own owner pace pack package page pain painful paint painter painting pair pale Palestinian palm pan panel pant paper parent park parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passion past patch path patient pattern pause pay payment PC peace peak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet phase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician piano pick picture pie piece pile pilot pine pink pipe pitch place plan plane planet planning plant plastic plate platform play player please pleasure plenty plot plus PM pocket poem poet poetry point pole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution pool poor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post pot potato potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice pray prayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously price pride priest primarily primary prime principal principle print prior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor profile profit program progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proud prove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publish publisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue push put qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote race racial radical radio rail rain raise range rank rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rather rating ratio raw reach react reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruit red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace reply report reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm rice rich rid ride rifle right ring rise risk river road rock role roll romantic roof room root rope rose rough roughly round route routine row rub rule run running rural rush Russian sacred sad safe safety sake salad salary sale sales salt same sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settle settlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shut sick side sigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sink sir sister sit site situation six size ski skill skin sky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slip slow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smooth snap snow so so-called soccer social society soft software soil solar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spin spirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stage stair stake stand standard standing star stare start state statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel step stick still stir stock stomach stone stop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike string strip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tail take tale talent talk tall tank tap tape target task taste tax taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team tear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary ten tend tendency tennis tension tent term terms terrible territory terror terrorism terrorist test testify testimony testing text than thank thanks that the theater their them theme themselves then theory therapy there therefore these they thick thin thing think thinking third thirty this those though thought thousand threat threaten three throat through throughout throw thus ticket tie tight time tiny tip tire tired tissue title to tobacco today toe together tomato tomorrow tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic toss total totally touch tough tour tourist tournament toward towards tower town toy trace track trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train training transfer transform transformation transition translate transportation travel treat treatment treaty tree tremendous trend trial tribe trick trip troop trouble truck true truly trust truth try tube tunnel turn TV twelve twenty twice twin two type typical typically ugly ultimate ultimately unable uncle under undergo understand understanding unfortunately uniform union unique unit United universal universe university unknown unless unlike unlikely until unusual up upon upper urban urge us use used useful user usual usually utility vacation valley valuable value variable variation variety various vary vast vegetable vehicle venture version versus very vessel veteran via victim victory video view viewer village violate violation violence violent virtually virtue virus visible vision visit visitor visual vital voice volume volunteer vote voter vs vulnerable wage wait wake walk wall wander want war warm warn warning wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth wealthy weapon wear weather wedding week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well west western wet what whatever wheel when whenever where whereas whether which while whisper white who whole whom whose why wide widely widespread wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish with withdraw within without witness woman wonder wonderful wood wooden word work worker working works workshop world worried worry worth would wound wrap write writer writing wrong yard yeah year yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself youth zone
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I’ll make the 3000 word sacrifice.

I am about to post the 3000 most common words in the English lexicon. Wish me luck...
a abandon ability able abortion about above abroad absence absolute absolutely absorb abuse academic accept access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accuse achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually ad adapt add addition additional address adequate adjust adjustment administration administrator admire admission admit adolescent adopt adult advance advanced advantage adventure advertising advice advise adviser advocate affair affect afford afraid African African-American after afternoon again against age agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural ah ahead aid aide AIDS aim air aircraft airline airport album alcohol alive all alliance allow ally almost alone along already also alter alternative although always AM amazing American among amount analysis analyst analyze ancient and anger angle angry animal anniversary announce annual another answer anticipate anxiety any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appeal appear appearance apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximately Arab architect area argue argument arise arm armed army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive art article artist artistic as Asian aside ask asleep aspect assault assert assess assessment asset assign assignment assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assure at athlete athletic atmosphere attach attack attempt attend attention attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience author authority auto available average avoid award aware awareness away awful baby back background bad badly bag bake balance ball ban band bank bar barely barrel barrier base baseball basic basically basis basket basketball bathroom battery battle be beach bean bear beat beautiful beauty because become bed bedroom beer before begin beginning behavior behind being belief believe bell belong below belt bench bend beneath benefit beside besides best bet better between beyond Bible big bike bill billion bind biological bird birth birthday bit bite black blade blame blanket blind block blood blow blue board boat body bomb bombing bond bone book boom boot border born borrow boss both bother bottle bottom boundary bowl box boy boyfriend brain branch brand bread break breakfast breast breath breathe brick bridge brief briefly bright brilliant bring British broad broken brother brown brush buck budget build building bullet bunch burden burn bury bus business busy but butter button buy buyer by cabin cabinet cable cake calculate call camera camp campaign campus can Canadian cancer candidate cap capability capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card care career careful carefully carrier carry case cash cast cat catch category Catholic cause ceiling celebrate celebration celebrity cell center central century CEO ceremony certain certainly chain chair chairman challenge chamber champion championship chance change changing channel chapter character characteristic characterize charge charity chart chase cheap check cheek cheese chef chemical chest chicken chief child childhood Chinese chip chocolate choice cholesterol choose Christian Christmas church cigarette circle circumstance cite citizen city civil civilian claim class classic classroom clean clear clearly client climate climb clinic clinical clock close closely closer clothes clothing cloud club clue cluster coach coal coalition coast coat code coffee cognitive cold collapse colleague collect collection collective college colonial color column combination combine come comedy comfort comfortable command commander comment commercial commission commit commitment committee common communicate communication community company compare comparison compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete completely complex complicated component compose composition comprehensive computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerned concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confidence confident confirm conflict confront confusion Congress congressional connect connection consciousness consensus consequence conservative consider considerable consideration consist consistent constant constantly constitute constitutional construct construction consultant consume consumer consumption contact contain container contemporary content contest context continue continued contract contrast contribute contribution control controversial controversy convention conventional conversation convert conviction convince cook cookie cooking cool cooperation cop cope copy core corn corner corporate corporation correct correspondent cost cotton couch could council counselor count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover coverage cow crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit crew crime criminal crisis criteria critic critical criticism criticize crop cross crowd crucial cry cultural culture cup curious current currently curriculum custom customer cut cycle dad daily damage dance danger dangerous dare dark darkness data date daughter day dead deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decide decision deck declare decline decrease deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense defensive deficit define definitely definition degree delay deliver delivery demand democracy Democrat democratic demonstrate demonstration deny department depend dependent depending depict depression depth deputy derive describe description desert deserve design designer desire desk desperate despite destroy destruction detail detailed detect determine develop developing development device devote dialogue die diet differ difference different differently difficult difficulty dig digital dimension dining dinner direct direction directly director dirt dirty disability disagree disappear disaster discipline discourse discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease dish dismiss disorder display dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distribute distribution district diverse diversity divide division divorce DNA do doctor document dog domestic dominant dominate door double doubt down downtown dozen draft drag drama dramatic dramatically draw drawing dream dress drink drive driver drop drug dry due during dust duty each eager ear early earn earnings earth ease easily east eastern easy eat economic economics economist economy edge edition editor educate education educational educator effect effective effectively efficiency efficient effort egg eight either elderly elect election electric electricity electronic element elementary eliminate elite else elsewhere e-mail embrace emerge emergency emission emotion emotional emphasis emphasize employ employee employer employment empty enable encounter encourage end enemy energy enforcement engage engine engineer engineering English enhance enjoy enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertainment entire entirely entrance entry environment environmental episode equal equally equipment era error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate estimate etc ethics ethnic European evaluate evaluation even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evolution evolve exact exactly examination examine example exceed excellent except exception exchange exciting executive exercise exhibit exhibition exist existence existing expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert explain explanation explode explore explosion expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent external extra extraordinary extreme extremely eye fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fade fail failure fair fairly faith fall false familiar family famous fan fantasy far farm farmer fashion fast fat fate father fault favor favorite fear feature federal fee feed feel feeling fellow female fence few fewer fiber fiction field fifteen fifth fifty fight fighter fighting figure file fill film final finally finance financial find finding fine finger finish fire firm first fish fishing fit fitness five fix flag flame flat flavor flee flesh flight float floor flow flower fly focus folk follow following food foot football for force foreign forest forever forget form formal formation former formula forth fortune forward found foundation founder four fourth frame framework free freedom freeze French frequency frequent frequently fresh friend friendly friendship from front fruit frustration fuel full fully fun function fund fundamental funding funeral funny furniture furthermore future gain galaxy gallery game gang gap garage garden garlic gas gate gather gay gaze gear gender gene general generally generate generation genetic gentleman gently German gesture get ghost giant gift gifted girl girlfriend give given glad glance glass global glove go goal God gold golden golf good government governor grab grade gradually graduate grain grand grandfather grandmother grant grass grave gray great greatest green grocery ground group grow growing growth guarantee guard guess guest guide guideline guilty gun guy habit habitat hair half hall hand handful handle hang happen happy hard hardly hat hate have he head headline headquarters health healthy hear hearing heart heat heaven heavily heavy heel height helicopter hell hello help helpful her here heritage hero herself hey hi hide high highlight highly highway hill him himself hip hire his historian historic historical history hit hold hole holiday holy home homeless honest honey honor hope horizon horror horse hospital host hot hotel hour house household housing how however huge human humor hundred hungry hunter hunting hurt husband hypothesis I ice idea ideal identification identify identity ie if ignore ill illegal illness illustrate image imagination imagine immediate immediately immigrant immigration impact implement implication imply importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement in incentive incident include including income incorporate increase increased increasing increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index Indian indicate indication individual industrial industry infant infection inflation influence inform information ingredient initial initially initiative injury inner innocent inquiry inside insight insist inspire install instance instead institution institutional instruction instructor instrument insurance intellectual intelligence intend intense intensity intention interaction interest interested interesting internal international Internet interpret interpretation intervention interview into introduce introduction invasion invest investigate investigation investigator investment investor invite involve involved involvement Iraqi Irish iron Islamic island Israeli issue it Italian item its itself jacket jail Japanese jet Jew Jewish job join joint joke journal journalist journey joy judge judgment juice jump junior jury just justice justify keep key kick kid kill killer killing kind king kiss kitchen knee knife knock know knowledge lab label labor laboratory lack lady lake land landscape language lap large largely last late later Latin latter laugh launch law lawn lawsuit lawyer lay layer lead leader leadership leading leaf league lean learn learning least leather leave left leg legacy legal legend legislation legitimate lemon length less lesson let letter level liberal library license lie life lifestyle lifetime lift light like likely limit limitation limited line link lip list listen literally literary literature little live living load loan local locate location lock long long-term look loose lose loss lost lot lots loud love lovely lover low lower luck lucky lunch lung machine mad magazine mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make maker makeup male mall man manage management manager manner manufacturer manufacturing many map margin mark market marketing marriage married marry mask mass massive master match material math matter may maybe mayor me meal mean meaning meanwhile measure measurement meat mechanism media medical medication medicine medium meet meeting member membership memory mental mention menu mere merely mess message metal meter method Mexican middle might military milk million mind mine minister minor minority minute miracle mirror miss missile mission mistake mix mixture mm-hmm mode model moderate modern modest mom moment money monitor month mood moon moral more moreover morning mortgage most mostly mother motion motivation motor mount mountain mouse mouth move movement movie Mr Mrs Ms much multiple murder muscle museum music musical musician Muslim must mutual my myself mystery myth naked name narrative narrow nation national native natural naturally nature near nearby nearly necessarily necessary neck need negative negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nerve nervous net network never nevertheless new newly news newspaper next nice night nine no nobody nod noise nomination none nonetheless nor normal normally north northern nose not note nothing notice notion novel now nowhere n't nuclear number numerous nurse nut object objective obligation observation observe observer obtain obvious obviously occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur ocean odd odds of off offense offensive offer office officer official often oh oil ok okay old Olympic on once one ongoing onion online only onto open opening operate operating operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition option or orange order ordinary organic organization organize orientation origin original originally other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outcome outside oven over overall overcome overlook owe own owner pace pack package page pain painful paint painter painting pair pale Palestinian palm pan panel pant paper parent park parking part participant participate participation particular particularly partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passion past patch path patient pattern pause pay payment PC peace peak peer penalty people pepper per perceive percentage perception perfect perfectly perform performance perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade pet phase phenomenon philosophy phone photo photograph photographer phrase physical physically physician piano pick picture pie piece pile pilot pine pink pipe pitch place plan plane planet planning plant plastic plate platform play player please pleasure plenty plot plus PM pocket poem poet poetry point pole police policy political politically politician politics poll pollution pool poor pop popular population porch port portion portrait portray pose position positive possess possibility possible possibly post pot potato potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practice pray prayer precisely predict prefer preference pregnancy pregnant preparation prepare prescription presence present presentation preserve president presidential press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous previously price pride priest primarily primary prime principal principle print prior priority prison prisoner privacy private probably problem procedure proceed process produce producer product production profession professional professor profile profit program progress project prominent promise promote prompt proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose proposed prosecutor prospect protect protection protein protest proud prove provide provider province provision psychological psychologist psychology public publication publicly publish publisher pull punishment purchase pure purpose pursue push put qualify quality quarter quarterback question quick quickly quiet quietly quit quite quote race racial radical radio rail rain raise range rank rapid rapidly rare rarely rate rather rating ratio raw reach react reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize really reason reasonable recall receive recent recently recipe recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recording recover recovery recruit red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection reform refugee refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regular regularly regulate regulation reinforce reject relate relation relationship relative relatively relax release relevant relief religion religious rely remain remaining remarkable remember remind remote remove repeat repeatedly replace reply report reporter represent representation representative Republican reputation request require requirement research researcher resemble reservation resident resist resistance resolution resolve resort resource respect respond respondent response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restriction result retain retire retirement return reveal revenue review revolution rhythm rice rich rid ride rifle right ring rise risk river road rock role roll romantic roof room root rope rose rough roughly round route routine row rub rule run running rural rush Russian sacred sad safe safety sake salad salary sale sales salt same sample sanction sand satellite satisfaction satisfy sauce save saving say scale scandal scared scenario scene schedule scheme scholar scholarship school science scientific scientist scope score scream screen script sea search season seat second secret secretary section sector secure security see seed seek seem segment seize select selection self sell Senate senator send senior sense sensitive sentence separate sequence series serious seriously serve service session set setting settle settlement seven several severe sex sexual shade shadow shake shall shape share sharp she sheet shelf shell shelter shift shine ship shirt shit shock shoe shoot shooting shop shopping shore short shortly shot should shoulder shout show shower shrug shut sick side sigh sight sign signal significance significant significantly silence silent silver similar similarly simple simply sin since sing singer single sink sir sister sit site situation six size ski skill skin sky slave sleep slice slide slight slightly slip slow slowly small smart smell smile smoke smooth snap snow so so-called soccer social society soft software soil solar soldier solid solution solve some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sorry sort soul sound soup source south southern Soviet space Spanish speak speaker special specialist species specific specifically speech speed spend spending spin spirit spiritual split spokesman sport spot spread spring square squeeze stability stable staff stage stair stake stand standard standing star stare start state statement station statistics status stay steady steal steel step stick still stir stock stomach stone stop storage store storm story straight strange stranger strategic strategy stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strike string strip stroke strong strongly structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit subsequent substance substantial succeed success successful successfully such sudden suddenly sue suffer sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit summer summit sun super supply support supporter suppose supposed Supreme sure surely surface surgery surprise surprised surprising surprisingly surround survey survival survive survivor suspect sustain swear sweep sweet swim swing switch symbol symptom system table tablespoon tactic tail take tale talent talk tall tank tap tape target task taste tax taxpayer tea teach teacher teaching team tear teaspoon technical technique technology teen teenager telephone telescope television tell temperature temporary ten tend tendency tennis tension tent term terms terrible territory terror terrorism terrorist test testify testimony testing text than thank thanks that the theater their them theme themselves then theory therapy there therefore these they thick thin thing think thinking third thirty this those though thought thousand threat threaten three throat through throughout throw thus ticket tie tight time tiny tip tire tired tissue title to tobacco today toe together tomato tomorrow tone tongue tonight too tool tooth top topic toss total totally touch tough tour tourist tournament toward towards tower town toy trace track trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy trail train training transfer transform transformation transition translate transportation travel treat treatment treaty tree tremendous trend trial tribe trick trip troop trouble truck true truly trust truth try tube tunnel turn TV twelve twenty twice twin two type typical typically ugly ultimate ultimately unable uncle under undergo understand understanding unfortunately uniform union unique unit United universal universe university unknown unless unlike unlikely until unusual up upon upper urban urge us use used useful user usual usually utility vacation valley valuable value variable variation variety various vary vast vegetable vehicle venture version versus very vessel veteran via victim victory video view viewer village violate violation violence violent virtually virtue virus visible vision visit visitor visual vital voice volume volunteer vote voter vs vulnerable wage wait wake walk wall wander want war warm warn warning wash waste watch water wave way we weak wealth wealthy weapon wear weather wedding week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well west western wet what whatever wheel when whenever where whereas whether which while whisper white who whole whom whose why wide widely widespread wife wild will willing win wind window wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish with withdraw within without witness woman wonder wonderful wood wooden word work worker working works workshop world worried worry worth would wound wrap write writer writing wrong yard yeah year yell yellow yes yesterday yet yield you young your yours yourself youth zone
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